we interrupt your regular programming for this special announcement.

Oct 19, 2007 23:59

i have no idea why erin mckeown is not a fucking rock star.


let me back things up a bit. remember how on the fence i was about seeing erin on my birthday? remember how i decided not to? remember how my birthday sucked? yeah. i was SO fucking wrong.

today was the first full day of my first vacation since florida in what, march? and man, it did not disappoint. the weather tried to bring us down, kick us hard in the balls, with rain ultimately killing our initial plan of spending the day wandering around smith campus and northampton before our previously planned erin concert. so instead of doing that in the intermittent downpours, we ended up at the yankee candle flagship store in south deerfield, where we spent much too much money on candles, and had a really nice dinner of quiche that was NOT apple and onion, but was still quiche-y goodness.

then, it was off to noho, where we found an AWESOME spot just down the street from the iron horse (and after 6pm so no meter, yay!) and headed into the show. the opener, joshua james, was pretty cool. linds was more enamoured than i was; i just felt that it wasn't really the right bill for him to play on. like, if i'd heard him in a different context? then cool. but i didn't, i heard him with erin. and he wasn't really right with her. so that was that.

and then erin's band came out, and played her onto the stage, and it was amazing. i'd forgotten, truly, what a presence she has on stage. she puts everything she's got into it, and her music is amazing, and it's just the perfect combination. i mean, it's a VERY different show than what I remember (of course -- most things aren't what you remember them to be). but it's just....amazing.

the funny thing is, on the way into town today, i said something to the effect of, "you know what we need? a paradigm shift." and as i'm sitting at the show, listening to a VERY different "lullaby in 3/4" than i fell in love with....fuck, nine years ago, maybe? ten, almost, even? (holycrapold) i actually HAD ONE. it was as follows: erin's not a folksinger anymore. she used to be, but now she isn't. and unlike a few years ago, when i was all resentful or whatever about that, i'm okay with it now. she's grown up. better, she's grown up into someone who should be a fucking rock star.

i know i sound a little like i'm gushing and fangirling all over the place, and sure, i kind of am, a little bit, in that lame fangirling kind of way. but it's because i don't know that there are words to describe the energy in the room tonight, the passion of her playing, the warmth of the room, everything. she just radiates.

ugh, i'm using every cliche in the book. i should shut up now, but YOU. you should check her out. comment below or gmail if you want music hand delivered to you (well, to your email), free of charge. not kidding, y'all. some of you are actually going to have her basically foisted upon you, which i would apologize for? but trust me, you'll love it. she's worth it.

and if she comes to a city near you? do yourself a favor and go see her. i know people say this all the time, but this case it's true: you won't regret it. (she's pretty hot, besides. she may not look it in pictures or whatever? and i'm not like, all fawning over her like i used to be when i was much MUCH younger? but she's pretty freakin' hot.)

and now, after erin and a grampy's run and it not raining on us on the way to the car! and this long bout of fangirling like whoa? i'm off to bed.

mwahs and hugs from noho, lovies!

concerts, shiny vacation tag!, geekout, i heart my linds chicky!

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