when the frilly heck was the last time i wrote one of these things?

Sep 02, 2007 22:08

see, twitter has made it so that i end up not really writing real entries. which is both a good and a bad thing. it's a good thing, because it means i don't need to freak out about not really having internet right now, but it's a bad thing because it means that all (two) of you who keep up with me solely via this thing right now have NO idea what's happened in my life. (and the other like, two of you who like not only to hang out with me IRL but for me to keep you entertained here are just SOL. :P)

so here's the recap for those of you who were interested (in no particular order). since my last real entry, i have:
  • participated in an AWESOME dinner party-y thing at jen's house (and therefore finally *seen* jen's house)
  • seen the season finale of big love (and been disappointed at the lack of sarah/heather smoochies)
  • had a hectic week or two at work
  • watched the end of joan of arcadia
  • started watching ugly betty (slow, slow start, but picks up awesomely around disc 3)
  • made definite the october trip to noho with linds (tickets and everything, peeps!)
  • had an AWESOME field trip day with jenna & jeremie to sherwood island
  • seen superbad again
  • finished one tree hill season 2
  • watched more farscape
  • watched kitchen confidential (canceled unfairly, boo!)
  • hung out with my awesome not-family family (for my not-cousin's bday)
  • spent 45 minutes with THE cutest baby rescue kitten in the history of baby rescue kittens -- fuck, no, man, the cutest thing in the history of cute things!!

also, i've decided that people who do not live in the new york tri-state area are just crazy folk. because dude, this frelling place is both crazy and beautiful.

and that's all she wrote! seriously, y'all should join twitter so that i have more people to stalk. and if you're not checking mine, you're missing more frequent updates.

how y'all doin', flist??


jenna-y goodness!, tv, lists!, i heart my linds chicky!, friends!, nyc, random, catchup (not catsup hahaha), family

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