(no subject)

Jul 10, 2007 22:48

one of the things that came of my mother's cleaning out my old, old suitcases from florida (which was the cause of much drama and angst, but which i'll pass on describing for my own sanity's sake...) was the discovery of many of my favorite books. my original copy of song of the lark was there, as was bell hooks' all about love and robert heinlein's stranger in a strange land. and what brings me to this now is the rediscovery of madeleine l'engle's the small rain, which i love and which is just brilliant. first novels should never be so good and so true, so devastatingly real. i have so much love for little katherine forrester and her passion, and i love most of all that, unlike song of the lark, it's about her youth and doesn't move her into adulthood, not really -- the book has a sequel, but it's very far ahead, and it's, frankly, nowhere near as good. (and who's surprised that i would be fond of a novel featuring a girl who avoids the quarterlife crisis??) when i was a girl and read it for (one of) the first time(s), i went through and dog-eared and underlined many a meaningful quote. and it's interesting to see now, all "grown-up", as it were, the lines that moved me.

i've been reading a lot more lately, which is lovely, but it's strange to suddenly be inside my own head so much. i have a whole stack of books to choose from right now (not including song of the lark, which i'm still in the middle of from much earlier in the year...), and i think i might move onto the kate hepburn biography that is huge and i've been putting off, but i'm not sure. i also have love is a mix tape and alison bechdel's memoir, among others, to read. we shall see.

finally, oxoniensis's porn battle prompting may be closed, but all that means is that the fun is just now starting! prompts should be up here sometime tomorrow, i think? which means everyone should go, find a prompt, and write good porn, damn it.

and: let me ask you questions so you can ask me questions! and download fun songs too!!!

okay, that's it for my "short" entry, lol. mwahs!

ps. i may be in tampa next week for work -- show of hands for visitors?? ;)

links, pornalicious, books

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