a busy, busy few weeks. like, nonstop excitement, here at aliland ranch. (....no, i have no idea either.) on the downside, i got kinda really sick this past week, to the point where i worked from home thursday to try to get better. i'm feeling kinda better now, i guess, but my sinuses keep getting almost clear and then clogging back up again. (verging on tmi, i know, but yo, it's my journal, so what up.) not as draggy as i was last week, at least, which is always a good sign.
on the upside, i've decided that i definitely do not want to move back in with mom (even though financially it would indeed be a safer bet, i'm a big girl and i should do what all big girls do eventually...), and apparently have begun the apartment hunt. not hardcore, not yet, but i did look at
a place on thursday that would be pretty much perfect, except for the fact that it's a longer commute and not THAT big and i wouldn't be able to control the temperature because it's in the downstairs of someone's house. it IS in an absolutely gorgeous neighborhood (seriously, the house it's in and the houses around it are like, mcmansion city), right near a lake (or reservoir or something, who can tell around here??), and even cable (directtv) is included in the rent. and it's not that much more than i'm paying for my part of this place (especially when you factor in the cable and even if you consider i'll have to get internet somehow). so i filled out the application and we'll see what happens. if they want me, i'll probably take it, but there were a lot of people looking at it so we'll see. there was also a posting for a
2br house in suffern for $1100/month, including all utilities, and the place looks too good to be true, which it probably is, since there was no phone number and i sent an email friday to the anonymous posting on craigslist and haven't heard a word back yet at all.
.....so yeah, that's that. in other news: yesterday saw lots of family, had a good time. the whole communion thing ended up not involving the church part, which was, strangely, a little disappointing. and my cousin, who usually clings all over me on the once or twice (or three times) a year that i see her, wanted nothing to do with me. there were other kids there, so it made sense, i guess, but still, strange. but then afterwards i went to this awesomely grand dinner with jenna, mary, jen, and jeremy, and we all had a lovely dinner at vegetarian paradise 2 then walked down 4th to bowery then down houston to lovely teany (which is a LONG walk, y'all). everyone was late, which was good cause i was late and felt really horrible about it, lol, and much lovely conversation was had, and numbers were exchanged and we should all do it again sometime soon. and we should especially not have it be several months before the next time we do it again. ;)
and i think that catches everyone up on developments in the world of ali. thank you, and goodnight. ;)
ps. okay, seriously, i need new icons. which means i need a few hours to go hunting for them. which i do not have right now, and i never seem to remember this when i *do* have a few hours. DAMN YOU JIMMY HOFFA!!!!!