catchup! yay!

Apr 08, 2007 22:12

okay. so. exciting week, yo! the beginning of this past week sucked. but then on wednesday, stephanie google-talked me and informed me that her job was sending her up here that night for the next week, which meant i could go see her! and thursday i was already taking the day off to go to the eye doctor, so after the doctor i went to get new glasses, then hang out with jenna. we went to a new (to me) restaurant on 14th st that we weren't really sure where it was to have dinner, and then we went to see blades of glory (view count: dos) and gawk at the HOTTTTness that is jenna fischer in lingerie some more, and then we went to teany and got cupcakes, and then we came home (early, but man, i was exhausted).

and then friday night i headed down to see steph! and i have to tell you, the drive down there? was SO exciting. i mean, it was just a drive, but knowing that i was getting out of town, AND about to see one of my favoritest people in the world, was just so, so liberating and awesome. and i got there and we went to dinner at bertucci's and just talked, and then we went back to her hotel and pretty much just went to bed because she had to work saturday morning. and then saturday, i hung around her hotel room and watched tv for like, five hours while she worked, then we headed out to philly, where we got lost and ended up going over a bridge twice, laughing the whole time, and then found our way to south street (after more lostness). we wandered south street and had AMAZING indian food and found a really, really great faerie store (actually i think it was faeries THEN indian food, but meh, who's counting??) and then we were like, uber-full and COLD, so we just kind of ducked into more stores for a while, just looking around, until we got too cold and tired and left. oh, and steph was disappointed by the punk store, even though i wasn't surprised by how hypocritically pretentious they were. (they were like, hot topic punks, not REAL punks, and they took themselves too seriously and didn't even say hi to us the whole time we were in there. LAME.) and in rebellion we went into starbucks to get warm and then we wandered only a little while longer before we left philly altogether, once again getting lost on the way out. LOL then we got back to the hotel and rented music and lyrics from the pay per view (for $13, ugh!), and then steph went to sleep while i worked for a little while and tried to get tired.

then we got up early this morning and went to cracker barrel for breakfast, which i wish could've been longer, but my mom had thrown a fucking CONNIPTION when i even suggested i might not be at easter celebrations, so i had to leave there in order to get back here before dinner at 1. which i totally did (i was at my mom's by like, noon exactly, which is like, ten minutes further north than my house). and then my MOM was running late and we were the last ones to sue & lj's house (which is where we ended up for easter), and my mom started fighting with me in the car on the way there as it was about the whole apartment thing (AGAIN, argh). and easter was fine and lovely and family-y, and much fun was had by all.

so thank you steph, for letting me have an awesome time with you, and thank you family, for not being COMPLETELY insane and obnoxious this holiday, and thank you mom, for being your usual totally oblivious self and driving me crazy. (because really, it wouldn't be a family holiday without mom driving me nuts. :\)

this week: new podcast to build, nyc for a webcast on thursday, and who knows what other fun is in store for me? fandom high applications are open for summer semester, and i'm considering, but i'd have to come up with a character and get like, confident that i wouldn't suck (which is not currently the case, so it'll probably never happen). and at some point very soon, i'll need to sit down and actually analyze my finances and possible living scenarios for very soon, and figure out what i'm going to do. so, stay tuned for further developments in this life.


catchup (not catsup hahaha), links, holidays

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