she journals because she doesn't know what else to do....

Feb 25, 2007 15:26

i am basically packed for chicago tomorrow, as long as the damn weather lets me get there. i am BEYOND PISSED that mother nature has decided that tonight into tomorrow is the best time to give us what will be possibly our biggest snow of the season, but i can't do anything other than sit here and wish hope PRAY that it ends up being not as bad as it's supposed to, or stops earlier. otherwise i'll be stuck at the airport most of the day tomorrow with little to do other than wait.

it's not like i'm a confident and secure flier as it is -- i get so nervous for NO good reason, really, and really out of nowhere since i was *never* as nervous as this before to travel -- but you add a snowstorm on top of it, and chicago besides! (which is the worst airport in the country, practically, to fly into in terms of delays and cancellations), and i'm just an unhappy girl.

i'm trying to make the best of it (case in point: already being packed and pretty much ready to pick up right now and leave), but it's almost *worse*, being ready so far in advance, because it's making me more anxious. maybe i should unpack everything again (which probably wouldn't even be a horrible idea, since it occurred to me as soon as the computer and printer were packed back up that i need to take the computer back out tomorrow morning, since i'm supposed to be working before the car comes to get me and everything); maybe that'll make me less anxious and near-panicked. but it probably won't.

what i *should* do is read my sunday times and watch west wing and everything else i normally do on a sunday. but this is a bizarre sunday as it is (i was out of the house before noon, even if i didn't shower to do so), and i don't know that trying to pretend it's just another day will accomplish much of anything.

anyway. i'm done babbling now. and for the sake of my own sanity, here's my to-do list for this week:

* tank tops
* various forms of hair removal
* call about possible haircut
* laundry for florida
* work, work, and more work.

so that's what's going on in my head/world/whatever. what's up with you, flist?

random, being a grownup sucks, work, lists!

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