i have nothing clever to say here tonight. move on to the entry.

Jan 24, 2007 22:23

so, jenna & i finally hung out again yesterday for the first time in like, millenia, which was *awesome* and cool even though it was totally mellow and like, not even all that long or exciting a hang-out. what *did* happen is she and i met up at the big theater at lincoln center, and we went to have wraps at the wrap place down the block, and then went to see alpha dog. i went in expecting a crappy movie only redeemable for my pretty, shiny justin, and guess what? i was pleasantly surprised/(shocked/amazed/something). *especially* by justin. justin was like, the heart of the whole frickin' movie! well, and the kid. but man, the thing is, i couldn't stop laughing through the beginning. because it's like, after-school special-y. seriously. but then suddenly halfway through (probably not coincidentally, right around the time justin's character stops being a punk and starts being like, human), it got real. and i think i really liked it! and not just for the fact that it was like, campily bad at the beginning. but sharon stone's prosthetics at the end are really, REALLY distracting. so if you were going to see it, beware of that. okay? good. also, the movie totally needs to be iconed. like, i want justin icons from the movie. hell, i want justin icons. so get on that, icon bitches. (.....oh, right. I don't HAVE any icon bitches. LOL!)

but yeah, so we saw the movie and hung out and talked a lot and we were both just in flaky brain places and i was all like, psychotic last night, so it worked out really well. ;) and then i got home and there was a whole bunch of drama with my brother this morning cause he got a parking ticket or whatever, but i really don't want to talk about that.

oh, and as a bonus for getting this far: below the cut? is an awesomely crappy picture of me in my new winter hat (my brother decided he wanted to go hat shopping a few days ago, and i bought a hat too! yay!). glasses, too. it's a rare treat, folks, you're really missing out if you don't follow the cut. (and no, i DON'T know what the look on my face is. haha.)

finally, now that i actually listen to my music like, through my ipod and at random (as opposed to just when i go to sleep), i'm actually updating my last.fm profile regularly now. so if you had any interest in stalking me through my musical tastes, you are welcome to click here and friend me on last.fm. :)

actually, that wasn't finally, that was just finally that was like, frivolous. finally for real is that my sam had crazy surgery on his back today, and it seems to have gone well (he called me during like, the twenty seconds all evening i wasn't near my phone, the bastard!), but i know he's got to be in some pain (dude, spine surgery), and there'll be a little recovery, so if everyone could send good thoughts his way, that would be truly awesome. <3

i'm sure there was totally a million other things i wanted to say, but i've forgotten pretty much all of them. so, to sleep!


day-to-day, catchup (not catsup hahaha), random, sam!, picspam

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