(no subject)

Jan 10, 2007 20:58

BLARGH. i want to watch west wing tonight, but my blockbuster queue isn't cooperating, so i don't have any to watch. BLARGH.

also, i still haven't decided to do with my porn battle dilemma. somebody, please, HELP ME.

in other news, i still have no sports night icons (which is completely my own fault, but still), my body has decided to hemorrhage for no apparent reason (other than the fact that i took pills during the wrong weeks, then forgot to take pills for four days, and then i decided to just let it go), my webcast today sucked (but i went to the movies after so it was all okay), the holiday was a really enjoyable movie, my skin started burning and turning bright red after i applied lotion to my legs, under my lower lip burns for some completely unknown reason, i have dark chocolate kissables, and i'm exhausted but not going to bed.

i'll just use another sorkin icon. that'll tide me over for now, yes?


ps. seriously, people. pornalicious fanfic dilemma. help.

fandom, links, audience participation part of our show, pornalicious, ugh my body hates me

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