i want to do a big thing badly. or something.

Jan 07, 2007 01:25

i think of myself as a passionate person. i think back to my youth, and i don't remember either of my parents ever being as passionate about anything as i am. the problem is that i'm passionate about just about everything. i'm overintense, and i get too lost in everything, and i flit quickly from passion to passion. my family's not really like that. they don't fall so deeply for everything and anything. and so i have no context as to what the "right" way to deal with the fall is. i just don't.

the weather these days is both lovely and disturbing. people are freaking out over the whole "70 degrees in january" thing, and i don't really blame them -- except for the fact that i could swear that i remember such warmth in previous years, and that it's not like we haven't had our share of cold days as well. and on the other hand, obviously it's not a great sign that it's 70 degrees in the northeast in january. but i'm also not about to complain about the weather, because i don't *like* snow, and i'd much rather have this than snow. so there's that.

i woke up this morning pretty early for me on a saturday (although not really so much so for me on a saturday lately, since i've been averaging about 10.30 on a saturday the last few months). i ended up spending a few hours trying to distract myself enough to get back to sleep, then after reading a really moving sports night fic (this, in case anyone was wondering, which i know they weren't....) and crying for 10 minutes, i gave up for the day and headed out of bed. my west wing immersion is going fairly well, and i watched more sports night when that was said and done. this sorkin guy might really have something here, folks; you might want to keep an eye on this guy, he could go all the way. :P

and that's it for me, i think. i'm sure i have more i could babble about, but i'll just zip it here and call it a day.


fandom, deep thoughts, brilliant fanfic, past/present/future, disjointed ramblings

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