xmas came early to my house this year, yo.

Dec 08, 2006 23:59

so i have my period (and i shouldn't, but that's a story for another millennium -- basically it's the same old: i forgot to take my pills, and then i remembered, and now i have my period at a weird time, but i'm going to just let it happen because i haven't had one in like, two months -- wow, i guess it's another millennium!), and it came on suddenly, which means i'm pmsing at the same time as the main event. so i asked my brother, when he got home tonight, "is vicki bringing home ice cream? can i have ice cream?" and he's like, OMG YOU CALL HER YOURSELF, and i'm like, well, no, it's not THAT important.

and then, she walks through the door not two minutes ago, with THE BEST ICE CREAM IN THE WORLD. (which i'm sure that, like all other ice cream that is my favorite, the world will think is absolutely disgusting.) it's dark chocolate peppermint coldstone, with marshmallow, chocolate shavings, and bananas mixed in. AND IT'S AWESOME.

which means that xmas came early to my house. and i feel bad for the rest of the world right now, because they are not having the most satisfying (huge) container of ice cream ever.

in other news, i really want to see the holiday, which i'm afraid might make me lame. and so, for the sake of audience participation, i present this poll (which i'm sure no one will answer, but meh):

Poll am i lame? (this is just for wanting to see the holiday, btw...)

okay. i'm sure i had more to say, but on that note, i'm totally done.


ETA: thank god for friending random people. nbc's studio 60 site has a free download of the gorgeous version of "oh holy night" that was performed on this week's show by a group of New Orleans musicians. also, amy poehler rant. i promise you won't be sorry -- about either link. mwah!

audience participation part of our show, ugh my body hates me, poll

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