let's call this "random things i feel the need to share".

Dec 02, 2006 23:32

list time! w00t.
  • dude, i totally paid money for panic! at the disco's live session on itunes last night. "wtf?!", you ask? um, because it's good. like, for realz. it's like, jazzy and he's not screaming and it's awesome. if this was the way PATD always sounded, i might actually like them all the time. (well, okay, it wasn't my money, it was the remnants of my birthday present from my boss, but still. STILL.)
  • my mom had totally not bail on seeing for your consideration with me tomorrow. my brain and attention span are both suddenly TOTALLY back in movie mode, and i want to see it while i can still sit still for two hours. (argh.) also, she totally bailed on little miss sunshine and now if it gets nominated for oscars i'll have to catch up. (argh^2.)
  • am almost caught up on last week's tv. (yes, the suddenness of my back-in-movie-mode has completely screwed up my tv capabilities. just in terms of time, though, so don't distress.) south of nowhere sucked out loud, and house was better than i expected it to be (though that might've had to do with the fact that i already knew what was going to happen). not that anyone cares. just recording for my own sake.
  • the "wishlist" meme is totally going around again (actually, i'm a little late for it), and i want to do it, but i'm having a hard time deciding what ten things to put on it. because most of what i want is little and tangible. so....i dunno. we shall see.
  • i'm having a hard time coming up with things for this list all of a sudden, which is LAME, because two minutes ago i was totally ready to list.
  • american dreamz is still really funny the second time around.
  • finally, SUIT UP!

TETA: you know what i just learned that sucks? apparently when you try to organize your userpics by renaming them so they're more easily recognizable? it fucks up all of your past use of them. now, i don't know why they're not associated to entries by pic ID or whatever (since all of your userpics are like, numbered in the database), but this is le suckage. on the one hand, i'm totally anal enough to go back and reassign userpics to entries. on the other hand, userpics are usually a reflection more of my mindset at the time than the actual entry. so i'd probably do it all wrong anyway. so it's totally not even worth trying. damn it.
EATA: I LOVE YOU AMY POEHLER. seriously. that rant on weekend update about celebrity bush sightings? CLASSIC. i will link to it as soon as it makes its way online, because dude. i can't believe she got away with that.

random, lists!

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