there's a paradox in every paradigm

Nov 25, 2006 02:56

i know i've been quiet lately (for me, anyway, and when it comes to actual content, by and large). and the thing is, i couldn't really tell you why if i tried. it's not that i haven't been on the computer, or even the internet, cause i've been all over it. i think it's largely my attention span, which has been for absolute shite lately, but in a crazy way. like, i can watch hours and hours of tv, or even tv on dvd, but the *second* i sit down to try to watch a movie, my focus is all over the place, everywhere *but* what i'm trying to watch. i canNOT for the life of me read books right now, but i can read fanfic for hours on end. i can check the same webpage fifteen times an hour to see if there's been any updates.

and so, you see, while a lot has been happening, i haven't had the ability, really, to sit down and write about it. and if i'm honest with myself (and you), a lot *hasn't* been happening -- i just like to think it has. i've been doing a lot of thinking, but every time i make a decision, i change my mind the next day. i'm.....i'm seeking. i'm searching, and i feel like i'm really on the verge of something, although i have no idea what that something could be.

so i'm going to end this here, with actual content that still doesn't mean much of anything, and bid you goodnight. i may be back tomorrow, to talk more about having nothing to say, or i may not. depends on how i feel tomorrow night at 3am.


ps. how many of you out there are actually still reading? bueller?

deep thoughts, disjointed ramblings

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