quick hit & run thought for the night....

Aug 23, 2006 23:33

it's truly amazing what a pair of stompy shoes will do for your determination and strength when approaching your day.

i walked into work this morning, having listened to little plastic castle in the car, and realized that sure, i wearing perfect corporate drag this morning, but unlike yesterday, when i wore my birkenstocks with my long black skirt, today i was wearing my docs. and just that tiny little realization made me feel so much better about starting my day.

i bitch all the time, in my own head, at least two mornings a week about the fact that the only shoes i have to wear right now with my work pants, really, are my docs. because sometimes i forget that sure, they may not be entirely "appropriate", and they may make me stand out. but sometimes, standing out isn't bad.....and having your feet firmly planted on the ground is a fuck of a lot better than trying to balance on a two-inch heel that's not even an inch in circumference.

so can i suggest that tomorrow, as you're throwing on your professional drag (whatever bullshit clothes your job demands you wear), find a way to incorporate something stabilizing into your outfit. if you have docs, i'd go with that, personally, but anything'll do. because seriously? it really does make all the difference.

now all i need is to find somewhere to get my boots resoled and i'm good to go.

(this PSA brought to you by feminism whee! and your friendly neighborhood dyke bar.)

deep thoughts, hit and run, work

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