this is a very important entry.

Jul 09, 2006 21:36

i have just come to a life-altering realization.

i will be in florida the night that clerks 2 comes out.
(7/21, for those not in the know.)

anyone who wants to join me should speak now. that is all.

in other news, this entry has me *seriously* considering going to law school. because it's all stuff that really interests me, and i could totally be a civil lawyer, i think, maybe. fighting against discrimination and for people's rights, things like adoption & divorce cases......i think i'd be pretty good at it all. but fuck, who knows. does anyone have thoughts on this? probably not. oh, well.

finally, the new justin timberlake single is pissing me off. because i was really looking forward to it, and it's very meh. maybe it has to grow on me. i guess we'll see. also, i spent my weekend watching newsradio. god, i forgot how much i LOVE that show.

this was important, yes, but were you expecting any actual substance? from me? seriously? please.


ETA: how did i ever live since the last time i had i can't believe it's yogurt??

random, film, florida

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