my mom & jimmy's wedding song is some keith urban song.
i cleaned my room today. it's kinda scary.
i have a headache the size of my fucking gut. that's a big-ass headache.
i am bored out of my skull and don't want to watch a single goddamn movie i own. i've been watching newsradio episodes all day, which have been fun, but i've had a hard time focusing. i hate these days.
maybe i'll watch reality bites later.
jess is getting married! in like, two weeks! and i'm invited! and i'm excited! :)
if we're staying in this apartment another year, i HAVE to get at least one bookshelf. and a nighttable. and a bed that doesn't break my back every night.
speaking of, i hurt the fuck out of my back while cleaning earlier. i have no idea how or why or when, i just know that suddenly in the middle of cleaning i started hurting like hell. it really sucks. maybe i should take some pain reliever. maybe i will.
i think it's really funny when people delete their journals. i can understand just stopping to update, but why would you delete something you've spent years working on? that's just so lame. people can be so retarded.
i'm really seriously bored. i don't think that's translated yet, so i'm telling you flat-out: i'm bored.