i love this icon. i really do.

Mar 15, 2006 23:32

i finished harry potter and the order of the phoenix yesterday (and actually almost liked it *gasp*), and today i read running with scissors, which was good. i dunno. this has been my problem with books lately. i've read them, i've finished them, i've enjoyed them while i was reading them, but i haven't really had any great passion about them. i mean, i forgot to mention that i finally finished reading million little pieces before i left. thursday night, to be exact. and i mean, i don't see what the big deal was about it, good or bad. but that's the way i've been in general with books lately. which is why it's weird that i'm suddenly reading. and enjoying it.

other than that, i haven't seen anyone and i seriously doubt i'm going to. i really haven't watched much tv, either, and i've done a lot of talking to my dad and thinking in general. today i went down to the pool with him when i got up and spent about three hours there total today. it was nice, but in those three hours i barely tanned and actually almost burned (even though i applied spf 30. twice). i'm probably going back tomorrow, though. we'll see. i don't really know.

my aunt is coming to visit the week of april 1st. i'm excited and nervous at the same time. it's been a really long time since the last time we saw each other. a lot has happened. i dunno. we'll see. it'll be nice to see my cousins, though. i haven't seen my youngest since she was like, two or something. now she's decidedly NOT two. it'll be cool, i think. who the hell knows.

anyway. i think that's it. it's been nice, hanging out with my dad. it's been a long time since the last time we spent any substantial amount of time together, and i'm glad we did this. i definitely needed a break from the world, and we've talked about some things, i have some ideas in my head.....let's just say there's some stuff brewing and leave it at that.

hope everyone is having a good week. mwah and hugs!

random, books, florida

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