money rant. enter at your own risk.

Feb 15, 2006 12:07

can someone PLEASE explain to me how i make somewhere slightly under $45,000 a year and yet cannot afford to have my own apartment???

oh, right, maybe it's the more than $500 a month i have to pay in school loans.

i swear to fucking god. if it wasn't for that, i'd be a fucking millionaire. as it stands now, however, i can barely afford to pay all of my bills these last few months. i'm going to have to ask my mom for help this month (and we ALL know how that's going to go over). i already have $5,000 in credit card debt from previous mistakes.

basically, i'm fucked.

thank you to anyone who listened to my ranting. have a nice day.


ETA: i lied. i pay more than $600 a month in school loans, when you count my high school's loan fund. godDAMN it.

enter at your own risk, wtf?, being a grownup sucks

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