golden globes thoughts, and other random entertainment/fandom stuffs.

Jan 17, 2006 00:02

golden globes! i think i love you most of all......
  • michelle williams was ROBBED. course, i didn't see all five films, but seriously. robbed.
  • also, i think that if she had been nominated as a lead instead of a supporting actress, she would've won. but then, i haven't seen any of the nominated lead performances. so maybe not.
  • YAY SANDRA OH. you are so cute. i like acceptance speeches that make me misty. :D
  • YAY STEVE CARELL. and yay, fabulous speech. also, i didn't realize he was married to nancy walls! i like her!
  • yay mary-louise parker.
  • ....and walk the line goes three-for-three. which is weird, considering it was in the "musical/comedy" category. um, i know it had music, but dude, it wasn't a musical. and it *certainly* wasn't a comedy. course, this way it wasn't against brokeback mountain. which may mean that that weirdness was brilliance in disguise.
  • dear ryan philippe. i get that you finally have a babysitter for the night. but please, for the love of all that is holy, stop drinking. love, ali.
  • i haven't decided yet when felicity huffman's "aw, shucks" acceptances speeches are going to get old. it hasn't happened yet, but i'm starting to see it as a possibility. for now, i just say, "awwww. you're welcome."
  • i'm glad that philip seymour hoffman won, but i feel bad for ALL the other actors. because that was the toughest category EVER, in my humble opinion. any of the three performances i saw (his, heath ledger's & david straithern's) could've taken it and deserved it 100%. really.
in other news, apparently kate winslet was supposed to play chloe in match point. i think that would've made for a MUCH more interesting film. i think she would've brought a GREAT deal to the role that, as much as emily mortimer was good, kate winslet would've been fascinating.

finally, i doubt any of you have really been following beyond_babylon at all (in spite of all of my gushing about its fabulousness), but the players are answering questions in this yaddayaddaetc post right here. so if you have been following and haven't seen it yet and have just been DYING to ask any of the players questions (that aren't "who are you" or "what's going to happen"), you totally should. yes, i already have. yes, i gushed for like an hour first. it's just my thing. you know you love me for it.

and......nope. that's really all i've got right now.


ps. i am considering becoming an auditor (like my mom's been trying to push me into doing forEVER.....) JUST so i can audit something awesome like awards shows. feel free to discuss my lameness and obsession here.

awards season, excitement, geekout

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