the requisite xmas entry (length and all, haha).

Dec 26, 2005 22:57

my xmas was pretty decent, thank you for asking. my loot was not grand or exciting by any real means, but i did receive the following things worth mentioning:
  • a new dvd player! (finally....)
  • gilmore girls season 5! (which means i can clean up some space on my tivo!)
  • dancer in the dark
  • coupling the complete set!! (SO exciting)
  • innumerable gift cards (seriously: borders, barnes & noble, best buy, lane bryant, and i think i'm even forgetting one)
  • several books of film theory (on genre and musicals! squee!)
  • cash (it may be uninventive, but hey, it's cash!)
grandma's was strange and awkward. however, she did make chicken parmigiana, which makes everything all better, kthx. and then i got lost going to sue and lj's -- or rather, i thought i was lost, and got really panicky, which was really bad because i had drew's girlfriend following me, so we had to be rescued by mom and jimmy and i felt REALLY stupid because if it hadn't been all pressure-filled and raining, i would've found my way just fine! but then once i was AT sue and lj's everything was all better, and i had a really good time. i was there after everyone else and they even offered to have me spend the night, but i didn't have my glasses or clothes and i actually just kinda wanted to be in my own bed. so then i drove home and got semi-lost (in the sense that i had to turn around but i was actually just trying to find other ways to get there in case i ever got lost again, and there was no pressure so i didn't have a panic attack again and it was actually kinda fun) and ended up going in circles. and then i got home and my light bulb blew in my room, so i decided to actually just go to bed.

and then today i woke up to sam calling me (YAY SAM!!!!!!!) and then got up and ready to go to the city to hang out with jenna! but then when i called her there was this whole situation with her family so we ended up not doing anything which worked out well after all because i ended up setting up my dvd player (kinda) and watching serenity (which jp had lent me thursday and i wanted to watch but wouldn't have otherwise had time so yay!) and happy endings (which i rented last week but hadn't watched yet because of the lack of dvd player)! both of which were So. Good (albeit in entirely different ways, LOL). happy endings was a classic don roos movie (which is a good thing if you're a fan, but not if you're not, haha), and jesse bradford and maggie gyllenhaal were both *brilliant*. i'm not surprised by how many people have pointed out maggie gyllenhaal's performance, but i am surprised by the lack of positive mentions of jesse bradford's. because i think nicky could've veered off into buffoon territory, but bradford managed to do things so subtly that it was just amazing, it was all nuance. and serenity worked better, i think, than firefly does to be honest. i've tried watching firefly and just couldn't get on board (no pun intended, hahaha). but serenity managed to do everything just beautifully. it set it up and it made it a real story, and it all made sense enough that it wasn't too hard to follow. and i loved it.

and now this is long (as most xmas entries of mine are, LOL, but still), so i shall bid you all adieu.


ETA (because i forgot to mention it! silly me....): the n is airing MY SO-CALLED LIFE episodes!!!! okay, so they're only airing the episodes at 5am. but dude, i'm sure y'all have some kind of recording device! and it's my so-called frickin' life!!!!!! it's a xmas miracle, y'all. a frickin' xmas miracle.

that is all.

holidays, film, family

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