the heart may freeze or it can burn/the pain will ease if i can learn

Dec 02, 2005 23:13

saw rent again, and i was right: a little distance gave me a much better perspective. my decisions are as follows:
  • jesse martin IS god.
  • the end moves along too fast.
  • "halloween" is a NOTABLE hole. i'm okay with the lack of the second half of "goodbye love" -- except that i don't like the way "what you own" was staged. the performance, i liked much better than the OBC. the staging, however, is just off.
  • the scenes of roger in santa fe are a big part of this problem. i don't need to see roger looking like he's in fuckin' wilson philips or some shit. seriously. ugh.
  • however: I LOVE "TAKE ME OR LEAVE ME". everything about it. that is all.
  • yeah. i'm pretty much gonna cry every single fuckin' time collins sings "i'll cover you (reprise)". every. time.

so basically, i recommend it if you've never seen it live. but i also then recommend that you see it live. also: see it on like, a tuesday afternoon, if you can. a time when there won't be any fucking teenagers talking throughout, or even afterwards. this is a quote from someone at the end of the film that REALLY fucking pissed me off -- both at them and at society as a whole: "there were only like, 3 people that weren't gay in the whole movie!!" yeah. yeah. anyway.

i'm supposed to go see walk the line with my mom tomorrow. i can't decide if i'm excited about this! on the one hand, i do like johnny cash. and i think reese witherspoon looks hot in the ads. but on the other hand, i've not been horribly anxious to see it. and i've heard it be compared to ray, especially structurally, which i was NOT a huge fan of. so i'm.......nervous, to say the least. but i'll see it anyway, because reese witherspoon looks hot in the ads. hehe.

in other news, i need to buy a new ring. and you know what? if i could redo that wishlist meme right now? i'd ask for a copy of robin's diary. because it's an important piece of my history, as strange and stupid as it sounds.

jenna posted a year in review meme, and i really want to fill it out, but the year's still got nearly a month to go, and a month is a long time. so i don't want to make a premature judgment, you know? but i want to do a meme and there aren't any, really, that i haven't done yet! so i feel lost.

oh, well. i should be used to feeling lost by now. hahahaha.

that's......pretty much it for me. i've got some things brewing in my head. maybe i'll talk about them at a later time; maybe i won't. we shall see.


ps. the skin on my legs just today decided to get windchapped, somehow, and therefore are pretty suddenly super fucking dry. which means that even though i just moisturized, my legs hurt like fuckin' hell. maybe because i just moisturized. fuckin' eh. :(

flashes of memory, random, film, linkspam, rent

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