the good, the bad, the ugly. (mostly the ugly.)

Aug 22, 2005 23:22

this is being posted first so that it's further down your friends' page in the hopes that 90% of you will just not even notice its existence, what with the other entry above it and all. because this is the melodramatic, although reality-based, journal.

so. now, i will proceed to report on the last forty-eight hours or so of my life. deliberately out of order.
  • i had fucking amazing phone sex.
  • i was manic, so i did an assload of chores. i cleaned my room, and i did all my laundry and some of drew's, i even vacuumed my floor.
  • my ex told me she never wanted to speak to me again. that i shouldn't call. that she would call when she was ready.
  • i saw the 40-year old virgin. it was the single funniest thing i've experienced since the fart track on wet hot american summer. especially the very, very end. i was in tears.
  • ashira told me not to worry, that she would tell me if she fucked someone else.
  • i did not spend yesterday drinking.
  • i had a half a smirnoff twisted and almost drunk dialed.
  • i watched four episodes of queer as folk season 1. (and an svu marathon, but that's not the point.) justin is fucking HOTTTTTTTT season 1. and so young! and even this early, you can see brian can't get away from him. it's so fucking cute.
  • i realized that once again, i was just misinterpreting sex as love.
  • i thought i was getting my girlfriend back.
  • i woke up with a horrible headache, and by the time i got home my back and legs ached too.
  • ashira told me that there was someone local she was thinking about getting involved with.
  • i drowned my sorrows in pretty, pretty gayboys.

i need words. i need *meaningful* words. all of these words here? meaningless. i need words that actually say something. where are my words? what are these useless things in front of me?

also, i need a good fuck. the kind where the other person is actually within the same area code, at least. now. somebody, quick! turn me into a gayboy so i can go out and fuck like a gayboy for a night! i need meaningless sex with someone OTHER than my ex SO. BADLY. i want to fuck until we're both fucking raw. damn. anyway.

finally, in the kind of news that might actually matter to someone, i found out that because of where i work, i can use the gym at the hilton right down the street for free. and it's open til midnight during the week & ten on the weekends. which means that i could conceivably start working out and trying to do some good for my body. this is good news.

okay. now let's move on to the positive, shall we? good.


enter at your own risk, random, ex-girl

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