"had to stay inside and she wrote Frankenstein" (Rasputina)

Apr 12, 2011 11:54

So I missed the six-year anniversary of my LJ on Sunday because I was busy at minimerlin on Sunday morning and early afternoon and then after I got home I crashed and made up some of the sleep I didn't get over the course of the weekend, what with not staying at the hotel and all. Guys, I slept for seventeen hours. I mean, some of the hours were heavier than others--I remember checking my alarm clock and/or computer at several different points over the night--but I did not leave my bed, did not turn on the lights, did not actually go on my computer, only rarely even opened my eyes.

In other words, minimerlin 2011 was the blast that minimerlin always is and I love you all that were there (or at previous years) and helped make it that way! I'm looking forward to 2012 already.

While I was too busy to celebrate my LJ anniversary on Sunday, apparently
tinypinkmouse wasn't, because that's when she posted an audiofic of my fic Road to Emmaus (Firefly, Book, gen)--doubly appropriate since we're less than two weeks from Resurrection Sunday itself.

This entry was originally posted at http://alixtii.dreamwidth.org/344005.html. There are currently
there. You can comment there, using Open ID, or here.

audiofic, firefly, merlin bbc, biography

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