Yuletide/A03 Thoughts

Dec 31, 2010 17:16

I didn't write any treats this year. There were reasons for that, and they were exceptionally good reasons, but there's still a part of me which is very, very sad.

Looking over the Yuletide SJA fics, I really wish I had found a chance to write a Luke/Maria treat, as that's my SJA OTP (which is good, because it means the show shipping Clyde/Rani doesn't annoy me). I mean, what I was doing instead was far more awesome (cryptic cat is cryptic), but still, the utter lack of my OTP in the Archive is depressing, and it'd be fairly easy--I mean, what else is Luke going to be doing in the wee hours of the morning if not Skype with Maria? She would tell him about her job working for the DOD or NSA or whoever it is she works for, and he'll not have to pretend that he has no idea that aliens actually exist, because otherwise he's going insane in Oxford not having anyone to confide in.

Other treats I wanted to write include a SJA tentacle-rape dubcon fic, any number of notebooked T:tSCC fics which could have been tweaked to fit various results and thus gotten extra eyeballs, an Arcadia fic (because I love writing Arcadia fic), a Nicole/Atreyu NeverEnding Story movieverse fic I have mostly finished but notebooked. . . .

Maybe once I get some of those transcribed, I'll be able to hold out and not post until next Yuletide. I'm not sure I have that willpower, though.

I'm always :/ at how many A03 authors don't link their livejournals/dreamwidths in their profile. I mean, usually their journal is fairly easy to find by googling (or even just adding ".livejournal.com" or ".dreamwidth.org" to the end of), but why not?

I would love to be able to find a text file of all the tags currently canonical on A03, since I'm such a maximalist when it comes to tagging (which has a lot to do with the fact that I have additional tags set not to show as a default). (There probably is a way for to me to do such as a tag wrangler, but I'm not sure what it is and it'd include enough formatting that getting the page to load would probably be next to impossible.)

Goodbye, 2010. You didn't suck, exactly (indeed, there was a whole lot of good), but here's hoping 2011 is a lot better and a whole lot more productive.

This entry was originally posted at http://alixtii.dreamwidth.org/342388.html. There are currently
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yuletide, archive fever

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