Final Yuletide Brainstorming: The Fourth Request (POLL!)

Nov 12, 2010 17:38

So I've decided on three of my requests for Yuletide:

The ILLUMINATUS! Trilogy - Robert Shea & Robert Anton Wilson (Miss Portinari)
Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego? (Carmen Sandiego/Player)
Blackadder (Princess Leia of Hungary)

Which leaves one possible request left. I've gone through my Yuletide brainstorming post, and eliminating the potential requests where either the fandoms or characters weren't nominated this year (really, no She's the Man this year? It's not Yuletide without a healthy helping of Viola/Olivia!), I'm left with the following options.

Poll Alixtii's Fourth Yuletide Request

I'm posting the poll from LiveJournal instead of Dreamwidth for the simple reason that my Dreamwidth paid account has expired (and I can't afford to renew it right now) and my LiveJournal one hasn't (yet). (Can you vote in LJ polls using OpenID? I don't remember.)

Entries with asterisks after them have the more detailed optional requests already written up for them at my brainstorming post.

I'm leaning towards either Small Wonder or Mars Attacks! for the moment.


*starts working on Dear Yuletide Author letter*

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