Ecclesiastes Was Wrong

Feb 19, 2010 16:18

There are new things under the sun.

I've posted before about how all the hits on Google for "Cuckoocest" were for me, or for "Marscest" were either me or Ari. (For that matter, the fact that all the hits for "Alixtii" are me is itself worthy of note.) I like to google for other phrases that may or may well be uniquely mine, and find out whether they are. As of right now, "cest goggles" is only said by me (although of course many journals aren't indexed).

There are a number of people--although unsurprisingly, most of them are on LJ, ranging from people on my flist to ones I've never heard of before--talking about unabbreviated "incest gogles," though.

Apropos of nothing, you know that you don't have to wait for Yuletide to write one of my Yuletide requests for me. Well, apropos of the fact that I've been updating that list recently, I guess. I'm really sort of intrigued by just how clear a picture of my narrative kinks that list creates for me. It's a little disturbing, actually, but hey, I own my kinks, so it's all good.

And of course I have eight months to decide which four of those prompts I actually want to submit to Yuletide.

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