
Dec 10, 2009 08:12

I feel like that, after last week's Dollhouse episodes, there's finally enough for me to write a fic that's not just a cameo (like my last remix was). 60% of that might be Summer Glau, even though I'm not really interested in any pairings. I can't identify with Bennet at all right now (does anyone understand her motivation at this point?), so I'd need someone else I could. Right now Echo works best, I think: Topher/Bennet seems squicky (although bottom!Topher would make for an interesting dynamic); I can't really get Adelle/Bennet to work in my head even though I really want it to; Paul and Boyd hold no interest for me; etc.

Last week's episodes really were pretty great, if we can look past the fact that we don't know why Summer's character did half the stuff she did other than she HATES HATES HATES Caroline, and I could never figure out when the character was acting or when she was sincere despite watching the ep twice. (Whereas when I watched the ep the second time, the nuances of the performance of the actress who played Senator Wesley's wife came out.) I'm still not sure what she had planned in advance or when she was playing by ear; what was that whole flirting with Topher thing about? (Because that would be a whole lot less squicky if it was clear that she had had the upper hand.)

Echo had a comment that probably encapsulates the whole show: "I'm pretty sure your bad guys are badder than my bad guys," or something like that.

In conclusion: Summer.

(Oh, and thank you to all the people who sent me vgifts!)

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summer glau makes me go guh, textual analysis, dollhouse

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