
Sep 13, 2009 16:01

Pick five of your favourite shows, in no particular order, before you read the below questions, then answer them!

1. Star Trek: Voyager
2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
3. Veronica Mars
4. The 4400
5. The Sarah Connor Chronicles

01. Who's your favourite character in 2?

Dawn Summers is my OTC. I don't think there's much doubt about that.

02. Who's your least favourite character in 1?

Trying to view the show through the lens I used when it aired, I think I would have to say Chakotay or B'Elanna; I'm ashamed to say that I don't suppose the fact that they're both CoC's isn't coincidental, although of course the question of where exactly the fail lies is a complicated one and there's plenty to go 'round.

03. What's your favourite episode of 4?

I don't really respond to The 4400 episodically; unlike most of the shows on the list, I probably couldn't tell you the names of most of the episodes I've watched. However, "The Ballad of Kevin and Tess" is the clear exception here.

04. What's your favourite season of 5?

Two, because there was more of it? Honestly, both seasons have their appeal, sometimes in different ways (I really liked the high school parts of S1 that were dropped in S2, and of course S2 has Catherine and Savannah, and even after writing a 14,000-word fic about her I'm still not sure how I feel about Riley), and with a series that only has, what, thirty-five episodes total? It's a little silly question.

05. Who is your favourite ship in 3?

Recognizing for the moment that Mac/Madison lives in the land of my crazy kink-addled fantasies, I'd have to say Mac/Veronica. Favorite canon pairing is Keith/Veronica, with Mac/Cassidy second.

06. Who is your antiship in 2?

I don't have an antiship in Buffy. All of the canon relationships end up with so much hate and vitriol being spent towards them, that even the relationships I was meh about I find myself defending. And none of the relationships were that bad; if I got this question for Veronica Mars I wouldn't hesitate to list Logan/Veronica as my antiship.

07. How long have you watched 1?

From S4 through S6. I started watching with "The Killing Game," when flipping through channels, I looked into Kathrine's eyes and knew that, no, despite all the France and Nazi stuff I wasn't on the wrong channel, because damn it, those were the eyes of a starship captain.

08. How did you become interested in 3?

Everyone on my flist loved it, it seemed. I gave it a try once or twice in S2, but didn't fall in love with it, or even really have it click for me, until I started from the beginning after
soundingsea mailed me copies of all the episodes which had aired so far. And then I was OMG, this is awesome.

09. Who's your favourite actor/actress in 4?

Summer Glau, obviously.

If I have to pick from the regular cast, I'd say Samantha Ferris. I don't really know anything about Conchita Campbell.

10. Which do you prefer: Show 1, 2 or 5?

Well, Buffy has to win. It's my One True Fandom, I think.

11. Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3?

You know what, I'm not sure. I've seen every single episode of Veronica Mars, but there are more episodes of Voyager, so it really evens out in the end.

12. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?

Kevin. I was tempted to actually be Tess, but you know, the whole schizophrenia thing, and besides this way I get to be in love with her. It actually really kind of sucks to be Maia a good chunk of the time, and none of the other characters interest me at all.

13. How would you kill off your favourite character in 1?

Somehow I don't see anything but old age taking down Janeway, but sacrificing her life to save the galaxy befits her.

14. Give a random quote from 1?

"Tuvok, I understand / You are a Vulcan man / You have just gone without / For seven years about / Paris, please find a way / To load a hypo-spray / I will give you the sign / Just aim for his behind / Hormones are raging / Synapses blazing / It's all so very illogical"

15. Which character from 5 would be a good guest star on 2?

Most of the characters are too serious. I think the ZeiraCorp crew--Ellison, Catherin, Savannah, John Henry--wouldn't feel too out of place, though; certainly not as out of place as Sarah or John or Cameron or Derek would feel.

16. Would a 3/4 crossover work?

I dunno. Have 4400s in the mix seems like it would be a little unfair to Veronica's brand of mystery-solving, but a little paranormal in Neptune works for me (as evidenced by the 2/4 crossovers I've written). Maybe Kevin and Tess could turn to Veronica for help, or something. Actually, now I'm thinking of lots of good possibilities.

17. Pair 2 characters in 1 that would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple.

B'Elanna and Tuvok.

18. Has 5 inspired you in any way?

All the shows which made that list have inspired in me in some way, some deeply--for example, I've written fic, and not just one fic either, for each of those fandoms. Sarah Connor is no different--it got me writing a 14,000 word fic, a whole new fic universe I'm excited about, and was generally uplifting in the way good art is (even when it is downbeat and depressing).

19. Overall, which show has a better cast, 2 or 4?

Better for what? I feel like The 4400 has more headliners, so to speak, and that Buffy made did with the cast it got. But the thing is, Joss is really good at making do with the cast that he gets, and recognizing and nurturing talent within the recurring cast.

20. Which has better theme music, 3 or 5?

At least VMars bothered to have a theme song. A few seconds' worth of drums, no matter how iconic, just doesn't cut it. This entry was originally posted at There are currently
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the 4400, textual analysis, veronica mars, sarah connor chronicles, meme, buffy, star trek

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