Cliff/Shag/Marry: Surprisingly Labor-Intensive Pictoral Edition

Mar 30, 2009 00:03

So there's been this version of "Cliff, Shag, Marry" going around with surprisingly complicated rules:

1. Comment and I will give you the names of 3 fictional characters or celebrities.
2. Post this meme with your answers.
3. Provide pictures and the names of the three people.
4. Label which you would marry, shag, or cliff.

I got three lists of names, one list each from maechi, kindkit, and netgirl_y2k.

ROUND ONE (maechi): Summer Glau, Dawn Summers, and Joss Whedon

CLIFF: Joss Whedon

The man is absolutely brilliant. But he's still a man, and certain comments I may have made last night at MiniMerlin notwithstanding, I'm pretty darn straight.

SHAG: Dawn Summers

She's smart, sassy, and very attractive. Unfortunately, she's not the most stable person in the world--either emotionally or metaphysically. I'm really not the boy for her, at least not considering the types of challenges she needs to be prepared to face. (Giles and/or Ethan, on the other hand. . . .)

MARRY: Summer Glau

Probably the most down-to-earth person of the bunch. Someone who chooses science fiction projects because she genuinely loves the genre, and who manages to keep a sense of humor without being quite as cynical as some of her castmates.

ROUND TWO (kindkit): Emma Frost, Buffy Summers, Hermione Granger

CLIFF: Buffy Summers

Buffy has my utmost respect--after saving the world for seven years, she's earned it. And when I write her, I try to let that through: she's doing the best she can for the ones she loves, and she really is a very loving person--well if not wisely. She's not very good at expressing it, though, and her decision-making is often erratic. At the end of the day, I'm a fan of Buffy, not of Buffy. Her character flaws don't make her a bad person (there is Buffy-hate in this fandom, and I do think it is misplaced), but they do make her not the woman for me.

SHAG: Emma Frost

Well, there's no way in Hell I'm marrying her. As much as I seriously love Emma as a character, even the thought of shagging her is scary enough to get me contemplating not cliffing Buffy.

MARRY: Hermione Granger

Smart, bookish, competent, assertive, brunette. That works for me.

ROUND THREE (netgirl_y2k): Dawn Summers, River Tam, Lucy Saxon

OMG, this one is really hard. Mostly because none of these women are exactly marrying material, but all three of them are very, very shaggable (although River brings major consent issues with her wrt shagging, obviously).

CLIFF: Dawn Summers

Okay, I'm cliffing my panfandom OTC. That's just not right. But at the end of the day, I want to be her, not marry her or shag her (although I wouldn't mind doing those things, mind you).


Um, she's really pretty? Not 100% sure she's prettier than Dawn, but I had to pick one.

MARRY: River Tam

We'd look after each other and take care of each other and be awesome?

Comment if you want me to do you. Alternately, if you just want to play regular Cliff/Shag/Marry, leave the names of three characters.

The 3-Variable Funny Test!

picspam, firefly, desire, harry potter, rpf, summer glau makes me go guh, doctor who, buffy, meme, marvel comics

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