Feast of the Epiphany

Jan 06, 2009 13:47

Once nice thing about having celebrated my birthday yesterday is that my flist is now scattered with people referencing me in the same breath as synecdochic. It's a heady experience.

Today is Epiphany, though, and a lovely story was written for me in 3_ships that I'm claiming as an extra birthday present. It's Many Magi, and it's the Epiphany story retold using the Firefly crew, with Simon/Kaylee/River to boot, told from Mal's POV with some exquisite existential angst.

I have two fics in the 3_ships archive. If you want to guess which ones they are, you can do so here. Comments are screened; comments which aren't guesses will be unscreened.

religion, biography

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