The alt text of
this xkcd really made me laugh.
. . .
Sugar and Spices and Explosive Devices, D.E.B.S. Lucy and Scud's backstory, with a coda with Lucy and Amy. Fits perfectly into canon, capturing the tone and characterizations perfectly.
Stepmotherhood, Into the Woods. Cinderella learns to manage in their strange makeshift family.
iDo Lunch With Freddie, iCarly. My brother watches this show, I don't know why, possibly to mock. Anyway, Sam's by far my favorite character, and this fic catches her voice perfectly, while respecting the social dynamics of the trio and making all three of the main characters more three-dimensional than they are on the show.
und mit Geistesstärke tu ich Wunder auch, The Time-Traveler's Wife. Oh, Alba. You hit my (non-sexual) kinks so hard.