Hail Eris.

Feb 13, 2008 20:36

I was just approached by a Campus Crusade for Christ member who wanted me to take a "survey." We only talked for about five minutes, but I did my best to blow her mind as much as I could in that period--I certainly succeeded in monopolizing the conversation and derailing her script completely. I gave a very abbreviated version of my religious journey. I gave a quick summary of Discordianism and, being a bad Discordian, attempted to articulate a logic behind it. I talked about the connections between my Christianity and my Discordianism and my relationship with Goddess. I pulled out the Leonardo Boff quote (you guys know the one, right? I had this laptop out, so I just typed "leonardo boff alixtii" into Google) about the interrelationships of the concepts of experience, faith, and belief. She gave me a pamphlet (she was supposed to keep it and just walk me through it, but again, the completely derailed script--she skipped two questions entirely) entitled "Would You Like to Know God Personally?" which I'll enjoy sporking when I'm particularly bored one day.

lead us not into penn station, religion, biography

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