3_ships is written, which means all fest fics for this holiday season are finished. *collapses*
Reveals are Tuesday for
prettylightsfic and
yuletide. I already have saved Semajic files all ready for posting. So
go and guess which fic I wrote while the opportunity's still there--I am offering fic, of course!
Since nobody has guessed yet (correctly or incorrectly; no guesses were made), I'm especially excited about the chance of posting it in my journal and going, "How did you not recognize that I wrote this?" Which, okay, there's probably only about a half-dozen people who I'd actually expect to be able to recognize my writing, but I plan on mocking them mercilessly. Except it just occurred to me that some of them don't read RPF.
Anyway, since especially for Yuletide I'm assuming that the relevant half-dozen people simply didn't read my fic, I look forward to giving them a chance to do so. Also to finding out what you guys wrote.
As for other stuff, erm. I gave blood today?