Misc. Yuletide Recs

Dec 27, 2007 00:10

Temptations and Sins, Big Love. Nikki/Sarah. So hot.

The Teenage Queen, the Loaded Gun, Runaways. I was never a huge fan of Chase or Chase/Gert (except insofar as I like Gert and want her to be happy) in canon, but this is just heartbreaking.

Document 32 from the Russel Collection, on loan from the Franklin Institute, Have Spacesuit--Will Travel. An older, professional Peewee writes a letter to Kip. Awesome and sad at the same time, but a great extrapolation from canon.

He did what?, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. Some of RAH's attempts at worldbuilding are better than others; Mistress is clearly one of the better ones, and the story builds with that well here, extrapolating and expanding the universe in a fragmented attempt on the part of Mannie and the Loonies to reconstruct Prof's life story.

Some Origins of the Fire, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. Wyoh's story--and a perspective on Heinlein's universe RAH would never have been able to provide.

Where the Air is Clear, Mary Poppins. Sweet and sad and with a sense of wonder, drawing on canon but giving it a twist.

rec, big love, yuletide, heinlein

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