BtVS: "Science Lessons" (Fred/Giles, NC-17)

Nov 09, 2007 22:33

Title: Science Lessons
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairing: Giles/Fred, Giles/Fred/Faith
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Giles' understanding of science is dismal, and Fred does something about it. With spanking.

Science Lessons )

ficathon/challenge, buffy, fanfic, angel

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Comments 4

noelia_g November 10 2007, 17:14:11 UTC
Heee. Major love for this one :) I assume it's for my request in forty_or_better? If yes, double love because it's so much better than I hoped it would be.
I love Fred in this one, and adore frustrated Giles, and am absolutely thrilled you managed to fit Faith in. Thank you so much :)


alixtii November 10 2007, 18:35:59 UTC
*checks assignment*

Yep, it's your request. Sorry about it being so late--turns out "wait until other entries to show up on the flist to know when it's time to start writing" doesn't work so well as a plan when one is reading on an extreme filter for which the only overlap with the 'thon participants was Ari herself.

I'm glad it worked for you; finding a relationship between Fred and Giles in which the politics of heterosexuality didn't--well, "squick" isn't the right word, because my right brain was completely down with some of the scenarios I thought of, but too easily problematizable by my left brain--wasn't easy, but in the end I finally got the two hemispheres working together. And then Faith showed up, and I decided it was totally within the spirit of the request, so I went with it.

So I'm happy you liked it!


fairygothmum November 11 2007, 14:35:29 UTC
Fred/Giles is one of my favourite pairings. Those two would have gotten along so well. :)

Good story.


alixtii November 12 2007, 01:32:21 UTC
Thank you!


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