Squee? Okay, that was pretty awesome. (
likeadeuce: I was supposed to hate it, y/n?)
Very action-packed, though. It could have used some--I think the term is "decompression"? But that's okay, there's always fanfiction for that.
The Cuckoos get many panels in this book, which is of the good. In all of these panels, they are awesome, because they are the Cuckoos and the Cuckoos are awesome. In many of these panels, they are in bed. With each other. Which is also awesome in its way. Just saying. (Actually, the implication I got from the art in this is that they all share a bed. Which I'm pretty sure contradicts Astonishing and New X-Men canon? But maybe they have three beds and sometimes they sleep separately and sometimes they all sleep together in the same bed anyway. That works for me.)
The whole thing is very, very will-to-powery. Which I guess is the point of the whole "Phoenix" storyline. It works for me.
Anyone have any clue where this fits into Astonishing?