The Plural of Apocalypse is "Apocalypses"

Apr 03, 2007 08:15

An Apocalypse, as many of the Christian tradition-savvy people on my flist will already know, "disclosure to certain privileged persons of something hidden from the mass of humankind" (Wikipedia) as in the apocalyptic visions of Daniel and St. John. As such, there's nothing paradoxical about the idea of more than one apocalypse.

Anyway, all that's in way of introduction of announcing sign-ups are open for the apocalyptothon, the 'thon which last year got me to produce my favorite fic out of all of my stories, my Ender's Game fic Richard the Third, Act Two, Scene Three, Line Sixteen (affectionately known sometimes in this journal as "R3 2.3.16"). (And CW RPF is one of the listed fandoms, which means I got to request Tina Majorino fic.)

So sign up!


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