I was impressed.
Even more re-introducing characters from high school, so major props for that. Seriously, if they keep up with this I'm liable to fall in love with the show all over again.
The A-plot started out lackluster, but grew in strength throughout the episode and promises to go some interesting places next week. Am excited.
Dick gets married in Vegas? I've definitely read that fanfic, only in the version I read he marries Mac.
My goodness, they found a way for me to actually enjoy the Logan/Veronica scenes and plotline. Now if only they have that kid with them whenever they have a scene together, I might even begin to like the 'ship. (Note: there was a time once upon a time when I did like the 'ship. That time has passed.)
Some nice work with the Cyrus' murder plotline. I like the letter of rec, and the parallel with the way she won over Van Clemens, although part of me thinks that her winning over Cyrus was too quick, too easy. Didn't surprise me that he would say those things, though. That's the fantasy the show is trying (and usually succeeding) to sell, that Veronica is just that wonderful.
I really liked this episode.
ETA: And how could I have forgotten the great Keith/Veronica scenes in this episode! They definitely deserved a mention.