At the beginning of the week, more or less around when
remixredux signups began, a bunch of people began indexing their fics. Now my fic's been indexed for ages, but I just went and updated some my indices--adding an M/M category to the list of genres and Wash to the Firefly characters--and fixed all the crosslinks and whatnot to reflect the changes. So let me remind of my various indices and resources:
The Tradëscan Codex Title Page: The URL I give out as "my website" when I need to provide for a thon, e.g.
remixredux. Contains links to this LJ, to its RSS feed, to my fannish AIM sn, and to my fannish email, but chiefly noteworthy for the big shiny link to
The Tradëscan Codex Proper: Okay, it's still only a collection of links to my various indices, but it and the title page do have a fun "old book" background image which is sort of cool.
But (we are stipulating that) you care about the actual indices:
Fiction Index: Your standard personal fanfiction archive, sorted by fictional universe.
Genre Index: My fanfiction conveniently sorted into the fannish "genres": gen, grön, femslash, het, m/m, etc.
Buffy Character Index: My Buffy fanfic sorted by the characters appearing in the fic--all the fic with Buffy in it, with Kennedy, with Eve, with the Immortal, etc. Sometimes this can be quite telling; Dawn's entry takes up a screen and a half on the monitor; Oz, OTOH, hasn't even passed the two-fic threshold yet to merit an entry. Both canon characters and OC's are included.
Firefly Character Index: My Firefly fanfic similarly sorted by character.
Picture Index: A collection of links to the various other indices which is solely pictorial. Click on Jack kissing the Doctor to be brought to a list of all the m/m I've written (one whole story!); click on Wash playing with his dinosaurs to be brought to a list of all the stories with him in them (also one whole story!); click on the Harry Potter logo to be brought to a list of all the Harry Potter stories I've written (you guessed it--one whole story!).
My LJ Profile: Along with all sorts of other things like my 'thon, concrit, warning, and disclaimer policies, here we have basically a copy of my Picture Index--only without the wordwrap, and so with line breaks hand-coded in.
My "Index" Tag: Which basically gives you the same list that I've compiled here.
And while I'm pimping indices, let's not forget the
index to the first cycle of