Five One Things River Wishes Jayne Could Understand/Accept, and Five One Things She Hopes He Never Will for
frogfarm 1. River wishes that Jayne could accept that no, she is not going to crash the ship.
2. River hopes that Jayne will never figure out that no, she can’t really kill him (directly, at least) with her mind.
3. I can’t think of anything else. I don’t think that River really cares about what Jayne thinks all that much, as long as he isn’t trying to kill her. (And that’s not really a problem anymore, because now he knows trying would just get him dead.)
Five Crossover Characters Dawn Would Totally Have Sex With for
invisionary Dawn is one of the most slashable characters ever.
1. The Doctor, Doctor Who. (And she wouldn’t turn down a threesome with Madame de Pompadour, either.)
2. William Mosely and/or Anna Popplewell, Chronicles of Narnia RPF. (I fully intend to write this fic.)
3. Valentine Wiggin, the Ender series.
4. Nina Jarvis, The 4400.
5. Logan Echolls, Veronica Mars. (I’d write this fic with a side of Dick/Faith, but I can’t get the boys’ voices right.)
Five People Even Dawn Wouldn't Have Sex With for
rozk Once upon a time, I asked
wisdomeagle for the five stories even she would never write, knowing quite well that as soon as she considered a possibility, she would begin to come up with ways to make it work, and secretly hoping that it might result in really crazy, bent fic. This question is sort of like that, since Dawn is really, really slashable. I’ve written Dawn/Ethan, Dawn/Giles, and Dawn/Eve, after all. That said:
1. Angel. (I could see her doing it with Angelus, though-after all, then she wouldn’t have to worry about the curse.)
2. Roger Wyndam-Pryce.
3. Warren Mears.
4. Buffy Summers. (Nor Joyce Summers-but I think I could make Dawn/Hank work.)
5. Clem.
Five Things Faith Doesn't Realize Kennedy Actually Knows for
rozk 1. Faith didn’t actually slay the vampire-queen of Terresaloo all by herself, but was helped out a little by a wandering minstrel.
2. Faith is secretly (she thinks) relieved that Ohio hasn’t legalized same-sex marriage, because that way she doesn’t have to think about commitment or where their relationship is going.
3. “Five by five” means “loud and clear.”
4. Buffy, not Kennedy, was the great love of Faith’s life, even if that love always went not only unrequited, but unspoken. But that’s okay; Willow, not Faith, was the great love of Kennedy’s life, and Tara, not Kennedy, was the great love of Willow’s (or so Kennedy believes, deep down).
5. Faith’s real last name isn’t actually Lehane.
River Tam's Five Favorite Books to Hear Simon Read Aloud for
rozk 1. Sylvie and Bruno by Lewis Carrol.( I was going to say Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland or Through the Looking Glass, and What Alice Found There but they’re too easy-I was sort of disappointed when The 4400 took that route with “The Ballad of Kevin and Tess.” (That doesn’t count as a spoiler, does it?))
2. A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett.
3. The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley. (Brother/sister incest!)
4. Metamorphoses by Ovid.
5. If on a winter’s night a traveler by Italo Calvino.
Five Characters Who Would Be Really Excellent at Ruling The World Universe Multiverse for
wisdomeagle As Ari probably knows, teenaged girls running the universe is one of my big kinks.
1. Dawn Summers, Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
2. River Tam, Firefly.
3. Valentine Wiggin, the Ender series.
4. Veronica Mars, Veronica Mars.
5. Maia Skouris née Rutlidge, The 4400.
anon love meme.