The Midsummer Renaissance Faire 2009

May 22, 2009 12:38

Lehighton, PA -

Lords and Ladies, Squires and Maids, and Good Gentles All!  Midsummer Productions LLC is proud to present The Midsummer Renaissance Faire to be held at the Ukrainian Homestead on May 30 & 31 and June 6 & 7 in Lehighton, PA.

For two festive weekends the 200 wooded acres of the Ukrainian Homestead will be transformed into the 16th Century Shire of Rostand to celebrate the first ever World's Faire.  Monarchs from all across Europe and the East are coming together to celebrate peace…though each has an agenda of his or her own.  The day promises to be filled with drama, intrigue, humor, and excitement as Rostand plays hosts to Monarchs, Gypsies, Pirates and Assassins.

Written and directed by Brian DiBonaventure, this story of secret alliances and hidden agendas is played through the entire faire day.  Emperor Rudolf II (Craig Baenziger) has called the Monarchs of the World together to celebrate "peace within their time".  Queen Elizabeth of England (Caitlin Baenziger) and her allies; Henry the King of France (Kevin Russel) and Murad III Sultan of the Ottoman Empire (Stephen Mazlum) have answered the invitation; but so have their enemies Phillip King of Spain (Christian Wenner), Cardinal Giovanni Serpente  (Joseph Golden), and Boris The Tsar of Russia (Michael Pizolato).  They have all come to celebrate peace, but each one them is trying to convince Rudolf to go to war.  Will Rudolf be able to mend the troubles between all the Monarchs?  Will the unexpected reunion of two star crossed lovers (Peter David Hughes and Anna Koneski) be a shining example or will it be the final crack that starts war?  Who are these bumbling assassins and who do they work for?  These questions and more will be answered at The Midsummer Renaissance Faire!

Walk through our gates and be transported into a world filled with magicians, middle-eastern belly dancers, fire dancers, wandering minstrels, and a tournament of champions.  Stroll through our marketplace and enjoy a day of shopping or pull up a chair and feast like a king on a meat pie, scone, or fresh made pierogies.   A day at the faire includes grand adventure, enchanting entertainment, the finest artisans in the land, and a cast of motley characters that interact with the audience making every trip a memorable one for all ages.

This year we are proud to feature Daniel Greenwolf-The Celtic Magician on our main stage. As well as an assortment of other performers throughout the fairegrounds, including renaissance and world music performers Arethusa, the celtic musical duo Jack and Brenda , music and comedy with The Mad Dash Minstrels, period musket demonstrations by Bealtuinn Free Company of Foote, and middle eastern belly dancing by Sephira Phaedra to name a few.

The Midsummer Renaissance Faire is open on May 30th and 31st, June 6th and 7th from 10 am - 6 pm (rain or shine) just minutes off the Pennsylvania Turnpike in scenic Mahoning, PA.  Admissions is $16 for adults; $8 for children ages five through twelve; free admission for children four and under; and $13. for senior citizens, military (with ID) and SCA members (with card).  Group rates (20 or more) available when ordered in advance.  More information and ticket reservations can be found at or by calling (610) 587-9778.

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