The aftermath...

Oct 27, 2011 11:25

...of driving a manual transmission

These shoes are from Aldo.  For those who are unaware of the brand, that shit is good quality.  I bought shoes from them in high school and it's still perfectly good until today.  Mind you, I don't wear those on a regular basis like this, but it had it's course.  I bought this pair of shoes about a couple of years ago.  I try so hard not to drive in them but I love wearing this pair everywhere so naturally, I end up driving in them.  I bought a pair of Crocs as my driving shoes and I'm already starting to wear the left heel on that one too.

It's a bit annoying to have to keep switching from driving shoes to regular shoes every time I get out of the car.  Last year, I had a pair of $5 flat shoes and used that as my driving shoes.  I had these pair just under my seat to make it easy for me to switch.  One day, I went out and after a long day, I got back to my car and switch shoes.  I then noticed that I had one of these Aldo (almost auburn colour) and the other the brown, fake leather $5 shoe.  I was wearing a skirt that day and I could just imagine people thinking I was crazy or something, walking around with two different shoe -_-*

I'm very picky with my driving shoes.  It needs to be a good fit, naturally.  Also, it needs to the thin enough for me to feel my clutch.  It needs to be flexible, that it doesn't resist to bending.  When I look for driving shoes, I try them on and put my foot against a wall, to test how flexible it is.  It's quite a task for the "the perfect" driving shoes for me lol.  My brother also has driving shoes...well, more like driving sandals.    My mom also owns a pair of driving shoes...even though she drives an automatic transmission, she just prefers driving in her runners.  Anyone else here owns a pair of driving shoes?

driving, shoes

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