Sep 24, 2011 16:38
I just got my eyebrows done just now. Actually, before I went to church this morning, I looked in the mirror and was like, "whoaw! where'd that bush come from?!" I was going to do it on my way to church, but I was running late so I had to move it for after church. Whatever, it's not like there was any cute guy there that I needed to impress lol.
I'm not a girly girl at all. My daily routine consists of washing my face, brushing teeth, putting vaseline on lips, putting on facial moisturizer and then out the door I go. The only reason I even use the facial moisturizer is because I use the ones with sun I don't get super wrinkly when I get old. Oh, and during winter, that's when my face gets all dry, but aside from's mainly for the sun protection. I also take my shower at night so it's one less thing to worry about in the morning. It usually takes me 15mins to get ready in the morning when I go to work. For church, that's another story...because this is when I actually take my time to look...somewhat decent lol. If I'm putting on a dress/dress pants, I need to match the face with the outfit lol.
So ya, I don't take much time infront of the mirror on regular days and I didn't realize til this morning that I've let myself go...once again. I tend to do that a lot. Anyways, ladiessss! How long does it take you to get ready to go out that door on a regular basis? How about on a hot date? Oh, and of course, how do you maintain them eyebrows? Pluck? Wax? Thread? (That's what I do... $3, plus tips...good deal, right!)
Plus, if you have any other beauty tips you'd like to quick fix, easy touch-up...anything! Please share! This girl needs help when it comes to beautification! (Is that a word?)
getting ready,
beauty tips,