changes in life

Jan 11, 2005 22:21

we all go threw changes in life. This is mainly because we grow to prosper as James dugan the third would say. VBUT if it leads to the seventh layer of hell that means you would have to betrayed your country, killed someone and or something more then one or 20 times, be a gluton and or many of other things that i dont think are so severe just because you yourself has changed.
James dugan this is a annoucement within it self. YOU yourself have alot to learn and alot to expierence within the world. To come out and adress your friends as "changed for the worse" just because you do things and conduct yourself where you betray us, is very well how should i say..........messed up. You get upset over least 1000 people die aday and at least 500 babys are made doesnt mean they live.....see you dont weep everyday so therefore you have alot to learn. and when you say we are turning for the worse i rather beg to differ. For the simple fact that the world is filled of drugs, just because you dont see them or dont come in contact with them doesnt mean they arent right behind you as your MATH teacher is smokin up. I for one respect the fact you decide to be "straight edged" for you don have to witness half the shit i have. BUT look at threw the same eyes on the other side....i grew up witnessing my mother OD in the living room. I GREW UP and learned that i shouldnt do that, i dont want to be that person. I also been chaced and beat but i grew up to be stronger of a man because of it. I have been throw out of my front door down the steps but i grew to now know YOU DONT DO THAT to your kids. I have had book cases throw on my back but i grew to know that if i grow stronger i wont have to put up with that torture and protect my friends. I have had a friend FUCK ME OVER more then once still forgive him just so he can do it again, to where if it was 4 years ago i would have broken his legs JAMES thats you. You take everythign in your life for granted, YOU take your friends for fools. You take culture as other ppl as A JOKE. go live with a puertorican family and then tell me you dont know about respecet because my friend they as people themselves as a race i have more respect for then any god damn man on the face of this earth. they respect each other and have pride and i respecet that they help friends as people should but you lost sight of that my friend. You have left me high and dry more then one time, and now your doing it for a girlfriend. i been there for you more then she ever has and yes she can do things i wont but the point is i been there longer for you and you are just so willing to get up and leave after you said YOU would NEVER do that. that within it self my friend is worth a ass beating because you dont leave friends high and dry and since i been there for you and helped you out the most im more hurt then any of these ppl and you DONT GIVE A SHIT. So as for this annoucement and as for your last entry i would beg to differ.
please wake up and see the world james, for what it actually is. Full of sin and respect. this world is full of nothing good but respect. this is a call for you jim, witness things and if you dont want to at least respect the fact that its out there and you cant fix it yourself. you need friends for that, and the more you call us hell bound people remeber you are to according to the bible NO body in this world today is good and die after being 6 please open your mind up and if not do new things at least keep a open mind and know they are there and dont be ignorant to them. my friend this is to you

LOOK AHEAD OF YOU SEE WITH YOUR OWN EYES AND NOT JUST BECAUSE YOU THINK THIS IS EVIL. at least accept the fact that we are going to hell because after all we are your friends and we accept you for what and who you are. so please respect us for who we are.
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