Nov 03, 2004 13:11
ok so what do i hate more then MELODRAMA, well jame dugan being a douche bag. He is getting on my nerves like a mother fucker, it doesnt matter much now does it he is leaving and already said FUCK comming back. You know something this is all because he wants to please MOMMY. fuck that if i was in his shoes i would be out first chance but i never had a friend that would take me in. O well i gave him the option now he is gonna have to deal with bullshit, the only thing that really got to me is he kept fucking around. On one hand he goes YEAH IM COMMING BACK WOOOOOOOOOOO. then on the other its, shit i cant stay sorry. Well fuck making arrangments for this kid he just proved that i cant trust what the fuck he says. o well ya know what can ya do, there goes another mother fucker down the tube now all i need is my back rim and im straight. o well ya know, what can you do with bullshit like this he is being a punk ass. "i did everything i could fucking do". ummm NO you didnt 18 is ligit dumb ass, you can sign your own transfer papers it take about 5 min and a talk to the big nose himself to come back. OMG THATS TO FUCKING HARD EVERYONE WATCH OUT HOLY SHIT. god damn i hate when he blows shit up outta proportion and makes it 10X worse then it really is. like i said MELODRAMA. fuck that shit ya hear me, o well im relaxin tonight mmmhmmm maybe ill call ash and try and get my coat back. i duno ill see AFTER WORK.
"only liars and thieves eat grumble cakes.....AND I FUCKING KILLED THEM"