Birthday Moments a'la Angela livesay

Feb 08, 2006 13:57

Days Until Spring Break: 30

Hey, I just wanted to write and say thank you to all of you who dedicated an entry to me on my birthday. It was very sweet to wake up and see, of course that Katie Walsh has kept on with her tradition of being the very first blog to wish me a happy birthday. Thank you Katie, it was unbelievably sweet of you, you're a very dear friend. Only 4 more days left for you! heh.. Sarah and Justine..I need to like...send you guys better pictures of me. Or at least pictures where I don't have a unibrow. Scary. But many many many thanks for everything, guys. I love you all a lot.

So what's new with me? Ah well, when I came home for J-Term Break I was thrown a surprise 21st birthday party on the pretense that I was CERTAIN I was going to the Cheesecake Factory. I kept saying, "So..we're NOT going to eat cheesecake tonight..really?" heh. I was bombarded by 20 little kids that I babysit and all of their families. I then proceeded to slather them with what I believed to be Love Spell lotion, but in fact, was Love Spell conditioner. And that's what a college education gets you. The birthday party, in whole, left me feeling very George Bailey-ish. You know, at the end of "It's A Wonderful Life" where all of his friends rush at him to help bail him out of the bank situation. And George just realizes how many people love and care about him...the party felt like that. I was surrounded by people who genuinely care about me...or my mother's baking, but hopefully me. It was pretty awesome to feel loved, like officially, obviously loved. And then I got a little deeper and thought that this must be like what God is like. Millions and millions of George Bailey moments put together in one amazing deity. Presents are great, but presence is better...and there was a lot of presence of people I cared about. Yeah, that was an amazing feeling. Better than any Zoloft that I could have taken that day.

So, that was pretty hard to top when it came to be my ACTUAL birthday. It was funny because a lot of my friends here at Messiah were unable to do anything that day because of prior engagements. So, Nealy and my friend Jenn and I went to Ruby Tuesdays for a dessert/appetizer. Of course, I would get my celebratory first legal drink. Of course, it would have been nice if I actually remembered to bring my license with me to the restaurant. Yeah..21 and couldn't drink any alcohol that night. Only I am capable of something that retarded, folks. Ahhh well. It was an awesome birthday, nonetheless. Everyone that really mattered managed to contact me in some shape or form this past week, and that meant the world to me. So, Thanks.
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