Pink Moon Blessings

Apr 18, 2022 11:51

Graphic by me. DO NOT TAKE!!!!

Also Known As: Wind Moon, Green Grass Moon, Budding Trees Moon, Seed or Planting Moon, Planter's Moon, Hare Moon, Eastermonath (Eostre Month), Moon When Geese Return in Scattered Formation, Wildcat Moon, Ostarmanoth, Moonwort Moon, Friendship Moon

Element: air

Nature Spirits: plant faeries

Herbs: basil, chives, dragon's blood, geranium, thistle, dandelion, milkweed, dogwood, fennel, dill

Colors: crimson red, gold, bright primary colors -- red, yellow, blue -- and their combinations

Flowers: daisy, sweetpea

Scents: pine, bay, bergamot, patchouli

Stones: ruby, garnet, sard, quartz, selenite, angelite

Trees: pine, bay, hazel, forsythia, lilac, willow

Animals: bear, wolf

Birds: hawk, magpie

Deities: Kali, Hathor, Anahita, Ceres, Ishtar, Venus, Bast, Ishtar, Tawaret, Herne, Cernunnos

Power Flow: energy into creating and producing; return balance to the nerves. Change, self-confidence, self-reliance, take advantage of opportunities. Work on temper and emotional flare-ups and selfishness.

Mantra: My path is clear, free from obstacles.

Info on This Moon From About Dot Com: In April, the thunderstorms of March are beginning to subside, and the wind picks up. Seeds are being blown about on the breezes, spreading life all around from one place to the next. In fact, this lunar cycle is often known as the Seed Moon. Trees have buds on them, spring daffodils and tulips abound, and the birds are nesting once more. Much like March, this is a time of conception and fertility and new growth.

This is a good time to work on magic related to new beginnings. Looking to bring new love into your life, or conceive or adopt a child? This is the time to do those workings. It's the time to stop planning, and start doing. Take all those ideas you've had brewing for the past couple of months, and make them come to fruition.

The Willow moon (moon occurring between April 15th to May 12th) was known to the Celts as Saille, pronounced Sahl-yeh. The Willow grows best when there's lots of rain, and in northern Europe there's no shortage of that this time of year. This is a tree associated with healing and growth, for obvious reasons. A Willow planted near your home will help ward away danger, particularly the type that stems from natural disaster such as flooding or storms. They offer protection, and are often found planted near cemeteries. This month, work on rituals involving healing, growth of knowledge, nurturing and mysteries.


The Complete Idiot's Guide to Wicca and Witchcraft by Denise Zimmerman and Katherine A. Gleason
The Seed Moon signals a time of fertility, growth, and wisdom. This Moon is also known as the Egg, Grass, or Wind Moon. This is the time to sow the seeds of magic. If you are planting a magical garden, you want to get our there now and put things into the Earth. This is the time to move from the planning phase into action. If you want to get pregnant, this is a great time to go for it. Fertility is in the air. This is also the time to bring that new puppy home, if that is what you have been planning. It's also a great time to empower some seeds to both help them grow and to do Earth magic.

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Paganism by Carl McColman
APRIL (Seed Moon)-- Plant, sow, set projects in motion. Dance for joy at the coming warmth and celebrate beginnings.

The Craft - A Witch's Book of Shadows by Dorothy Morrison
Name: Hare
Cakes & Ale: fruit juice or wine, sugared violet (flowers dipped in egg-white and sugar) cookies
Colors: soft greens, yellows and peaches to symbolize happiness and fertility
Altar Decor: pictures of rabbits, spring greenery and flowers, green and yellow candles
Incense: Fruit
Esbat Purpose: Celebrate growing fertility
Try Drawing the Circle With: wild flowers (a single or a bunch)

Witch's Brew: Good Spells for Peace of Mind by Witch Bree
April's Pink Spring Moon celebrates health and life force.

Witches Datebook by Yasmine Galenorn
The wind Moon of April is a good time to let the fresh breezes blow through to remove stagnation. For the Full Moon, make a list of things that have been cluttering your life on an emotional or psychic level. Decorate your altar with a white cloth, fresh flowers, and a bottle off sparkling water. Also have handy either wind chimes or a beautiful-sounding bell. Light a lavender colored candle.

Cast a circle and invoke a God of the sky. One by one, read aloud each item from your list, and imagine what it would feel like to be rid of it. Close your eyes, and imagine the wind sweeping through to carry it away. Ring the bell three times and say:

End to clutter, end to strife, remove stagnation from my life.
Tinkling breeze blow through my rite, bring clarity and brilliant light.

Then take a sip of the sparkling water. Proceed through your list, and when you are finished, burn the list and cast the ashes to the winds.
Affirmation for the Wind Moon: My path is clear, free from obstacles.

Witches Datebook by Edain McCoy (2002)
Like the willow that bends but doesn't break, the Willow Moon helps us do whatever we have to do. It teaches us that we are able to push ourselves to levels we once thought impossible. Once we attain things hard won, the willow offers itself as a glue to bind them to us forever.

Binding must be entered into with care. Because we are all linked on the wheel of life, the energies we put in motion will eventually make a full circle and come back to us.

With willow branches, you can bind to yourself any object or idea, or you can bind the actions of someone doing harm. Soak the branches overnight in water containing a few drops of patchouli oil. Take a symbol of the thing to be bound, and wrap it snugly in the branches. Tie it closed until the branches dry. Present the object to the four elements to garner their assistance. When you are finished, keep the object hidden.

Witches Datebook by Edain McCoy (2003)
The Willow Moon offers us the opportunity to heal spiritual and physical ills. Like the willow, we can bend much more than we realize, without breaking, and then bounce back again, renewed and ready to go forward.

The willow tree has been used for many magical spells and rituals, and the ancients knew the tree as a healer of great power. Its bark is a source of salicylic acid, which is the main ingredient in aspirin.

To perform your own healing willow ritual, you will need a single branch from a willow tree and bowl of water that has been empowered under the light of the Willow Moon. Stand where the light of the Moon falls over you, as you tie the branch around the part of yourself that most needs healing attention. Wash yourself with the water and ask your deities for healing of body, mind, or spirit.

If you are not allergic to aspirin, you may wish to finish your ritual with a soothing cup of willow-bark tea, which contains the precious acid that helps heal pain and fever.

Witches Datebook by Edain McCoy (2004)
The water-loving willow tree is sacred to the goddesses of the night and is ruled by the Moon. We can use its power to enhance our native psychic abilities.

Find a willow and sit at its base. Meditate on opening your psychic centers. Ask the tree whether it's willing to help you. If it is, stand and press your forehead against its bark while concentrating on an issue or unanswered question you have on your mind.

Allow yourself to fall into as deep a meditative state as you safely can, and open yourself to the power of the willow. You will get answers. You should also ask the tree to show you what you need, not just what you want.

The willow governs chemistry, and it can help you finish that sonata you've been composing, overcome writer's block, give you fresh ideas for a painting or sculpture, or show you a new way to move as you dance.

Witches Datebook by Dallas Jennifer Cobb
Fertile Full Moon of April, we welcome your magical might, and for you we fill home, garden, and heart with color and light. Plant seeds in the readied soil and soul, knowing they will sprout. Vow to nourish these seeds with tender care, for what you plant now will grow through the fertile cycle and bear the fruits of harvest. Nourish your dreams that they may grow strong and healthy, creating and producing the magical life you have envisioned. Decorate sacred spaces with symbols of fertility and joy-- eggs, rabbits, seeds, and sweets-- to draw spiritual success and succulence to tender seedlings. And dance with joy, anticipating the coming warmth. Darkness wanes as light waxes bright, celebrate in Full Moon light.

Hare Moon, Seed Moon, Moon of Budding Trees,
Let fertile magic sprout within me,
Kali, Hathor, Ishtar, Bast,
This abundant, creative cycle now be cast.

Witches Datebook by Elizabeth Barrette
To the Cherokee, April is the Flower Moon. In the warm southeast, forests and meadows bloom with life and color. The Choctaw call this the Wildcat Moon. Lynxes and bobcats become more active. To the Dakota Sioux, this is Moon When Geese Return in Scattered Formation. These dramatic birds migrating north mark the return of spring.

April bursts forth with new life. In warmer regions, it's time to plant crops and watch wild plants grow. Birds are nesting. Animals often have young beside them. In colder climes, the warmth of spring is just arriving. As natural-food sources emerge, you can taper off most supplemental feeding for wildlife. Observe what animals and birds become active. Bring freshly picked flowers indoors to chase away the dullness of a cold season.

In Ritual, this is a good time to honor plant and animal spirits. Work with flower totems and animals associated with spring such as ducks, rabbits, geese, cats, and sheep. Cast a circle with flowers or do spells using the energy of flower seeds or bulbs that will help manifest your desire as the plants grow. Wish on a flock of flying geese to speed your dreams toward reality.

Witches Datebook by JG Hortwort
Under the shimmering light of the Full Moon in April, gardeners can look for the soft lavender flowers of the honesty plant. In time, these will mature into seed pods that give the plants another name-- moonwort. These unique pods give the plants several other interesting names, like money plant and silver dollar plant. The pods dry to a brittle, flat circle that holds two seeds. French children learned to gently peel the outer casing from the seed pod to uncover the monnaie du pape (the pope's money). Pagans carry the seed pod in a wallet or use it in spells to attract money.

Honest is a biennial. Once it blooms and sets seed, it's done. Late in the season when the plant begins to brown, pull it up and cut away the roots. Tie between four and six stems together. Hang these upside down in a dry, dark space with good air circulation to dry the pods. Gently rub the pod between the thumb and forefinger to remove the seed casing. Now you have an "everlasting," a delicate addition to a lovely dried flower arrangement.

Witches Datebook by Natalie Zaman
What will we not do for our dear friends? Once upon a time, Sun and Moon, husband and wife, invited their friend Water to stay with them in their very large house. Alas, their home was not big enough! Water and his creatures quickly filled the house and spilled into the surrounding gardens. Sun and Moon had nowhere to go but... up! This Si why the Sun and Moon live in the sky.

The element of water, so prevalent in spring, is closely connected to emotions. April's Full Moon is a wonderful time to meditate on friendship. To whom are you most closely connected? What do you do for each other? Set out a receptacle (house) under the Full Moon and place a moonstone and a sunstone inside it. Fill the house with water and bless the pair of stones, an amulet for friendship:

To the Moon and back again,
For you, dear friend, anything.

Keep the stone that resonates with you, and give the other to a beloved friend.

Witches Datebook by Blake Octavian Blair
We now find ourselves within the Celtic Month of Willow and the beautiful light of the Willow Moon. The willow is a tree of intuition and the betwixt and the between! Willow, being a water-loving tree, is often found along lakeshores and riverbanks. Willow is also considered a tree protective of spirits of the land and the dead and is planted in graveyards. There is lore surrounding the willow that it helps ease a soul's passage into the afterlife. For this reasons, many cultures placed branches, leaves, or art depicting them in graves. Some even planted willow on top of or near graves to guide the souls. Take the opportunity during the Willow Moon's watery currents of institution and protection of the spirit realm to meditate on messages from your ancestors. Hold a willow branch, if you're able to find one, meditate on your ancestors below the Full Moon and ask for any message they may have that would be of help to you, or meditate on any message you have that you'd like to share with them!

A safe and happy holiday to all who celebrate~!

pagan with a capital p, seasons greetings

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