Also Known As: Wort Moon, Holly Moon, Moon of Claiming, Moon of Blood (because of mosquitoes), Hay Moon, Maedmonat (Meadow Month), Ripe Corn Moon, Fish Moon, Hewimanoth (Hay Month), Fallow Moon, Buck Moon, Thunder Moon, Meadow Moon, Lavender Moon, Firefly Moon
Element: water
Nature Spirits: hobgoblins (small, grotesque but friendly brownie-type creatures), faeries of harvested crops
Herbs: honeysuckle, agrimony, lemon balm, hyssop, mugwort
Colors: silver, blue-gray, green
Flowers: lotus, water lily, jasmine
Scents: orris, frankincense
Stones: pearl, moonstone, white agate, opal
Trees: oak, acacia, ash
Animals: crab, turtle, dolphin, whale
Birds: starling, ibis, swallow
Deities: Khepera, Athene, Athena, Juno, Hel, Holda, Cerridwen, Nephthys, Venus, Lugh
Power Flow: relaxed energy; preparing; succeeding. Dream-work, divination, and meditation on goals and plans, especially spiritual ones.
Mantra: I sense my connection to the Universe.
Info on This Moon From
About Dot Com: July's full moon is known as the Blessing Moon, although it's also called the Meadow Moon. July was originally called Quintilus, but was later renamed in honor of Julius Caesar. This is a great time to do divination and dreamwork. Find a way to incorporate the watery energy of the Blessing Moon into your spell crafting and ritual. Enjoy the relaxing feeling of July's full moon and use it in your personal meditation.
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Wicca and Witchcraft by Denise Zimmerman and Katherine A. Gleason
The Mead Moon, also known as the Blessing, Lightning, or Thunder Moon, is a time of enchantment, health, rebirth, success, and strength. This is the time of the first harvests, when you begin to enjoy the fruits of your labors. This is also a time of celebration and magic. Remember that mead is the nectar of the Gods. Now is the time to gather your magickal herbs and do some prosperity magick so you get that raise for which you've worked so hard.
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Paganism by Carl McColman
JULY (Mead Moon)-- Relax, have fun, tell stories and jokes.
The Craft - A Witch's Book of Shadows by Dorothy Morrison
Name: Wort
Cakes & Ale: herbal cookies and herbal tea
Colors: orange and green
Altar Decor: orange candles, bunches of vervain tied with ribbons
Incense: sage, lavender, and rosemary
Esbat Purpose: Celebrate perfect herbs, perfect harvest, and self-discovery
Try Drawing the Circle With: a bouquet of herbs and plants and your favorite herb tea
Witch's Brew: Good Spells for Peace of Mind by Witch Bree
July's Thunder Moon brings rain, the water of life, and cleansing storms.
Witches Datebook by Edain McCoy (2002)
The Celts saw holly as having a masculine energy, projective and fiery. It provided the user with a direct link to the energy of the Gods.
Make sure your magical desire is clear in your mind, seen by only you and unseen by others. With your goal clearly in mind, take twelve holly sprigs and separate them into bunches of three. Wrap three of these bunches in cloths of colors representing your goal. You may choose one color, or two, or three. As you wrap each bunch, say:
Holly red and holly white,
Caring for my wish tonight;
Holly strong and holly green,
Bright to sight the now unseen.
Garnish the bundles with the remaining holly sprigs and keep them covered and close to your sleeping place.
Witches Datebook by Yasmine Galenorn
July arrives with lazy days and leaves with the sense that summer, while still around us, is running on borrowed time. In honor of the sense of freedom July brings to our hearts, we stretch our minds out to the world to strengthen our connections with the universe.
For this month's Moon ritual, you need nothing more than a blanket and a few free minutes. Spread you blanket under the night sky as the Moon rises full. If you like, bring your favorite crystal, wand, or other sacred object with you.
As you lie back on your blanket, staring at the stars, let your mind drift out to the universe. Try to connect with the celestial power that shines down to mingle with the beauty of the Earth around you.
Focus on your connection within this great cosmos of ours, and feels your energy unite with all of the planets, stars, and other life forms that make up our galaxy. Sense your interconnection to the great chain we call life. Affirmation for the Blessing Moon: I sense my connection to the Universe.
Witches Datebook by Edain McCoy (2002)
The Oak Moon offers us security, vigor, courage, and healing energy. The old Irish word for oak has often been translated as "door," giving us a glimpse into its power as a portal between all worlds.
To attain strength or healing during the Oak Moon, you will need two oak twigs and two acorns. Hold a twig in each hand. Close your eyes and feel yourself being pulled to the center of all places as each twig leads you to a different world. When you feel you are at the oak's doorway, take an acorn in each hand; visualize one giving you strength, and the other taking away weakness or illness. Bury the acorn you feel is taking away your weakness-- preferably at the base of an oak tree-- and carry the other as a talisman of strength and well-being.
Witches Datebook by Edain McCoy (2004)
Often we don't know what it is we really need. We're usually pretty sure we know what we want, but when we get it we end up reminded of the old adage, "Be careful what you wish for."
During the Holly Moon, approach the holly as the embodiment of the father God and ask if you may take a sprig of the plant. Place it under your pillow for the next seven nights. As you ready yourself to fall asleep, pray for enlightenment. Look to your dreams for answers. During the day, be aware of things you haven't noticed before or opportunities that present themselves unexpectedly.
Witches Datebook by Ellen Dugan
The Full Moon in July heralds in the time of thunderstorms and the hottest days of the year, called the "dog days of summer." In ancient Egypt, the dog star, Sithor, rose with the sun the most extreme summer heat. This star was considered a second sun, which they believed added to the heat. Egyptians celebrated the "dog days" because, when the star rose with the sun, the Nile's annual flood would commence and bring life back to the land. In this time, it's easy to have short tempers and little patience. Under this Thunder Moon, you could work for patience, peace, and, of course, a cooling summer shower.
Under this steamy Thunder Moon so bright,
I call for patience, peace, and calm this night.
May a cooling summer rain come bless the land soon,
Bringing relief and joy to the earth like a boon.
For the good of all, with harm to none,
By the Thunder Moon, this spell is done!
Witches Datebook by Dallas Jennifer Cobb
Dive into the juicy energy of the July Full Moon and swim deep in Her blessed, abundant energy. Dream, meditate, and intuitively divine, there's great magical strength, power, and clarity in this time. Let visions flow, so you know how to best prepare for the hard work that harvest requires. Plan your steps to success, within the garden and within your life. Know what you will harvest, and how you will store it to sustain you throughout the winter-- that time of death and dark journeying. Gather herbs for drying and preservation, preparing for magic, medicine, and sustenance. And in a spirit of celebration, leave an offering in the moonlight, in the garden or out of doors, for the spirits of nature. Thank them for radiant abundance.
Wort Moon, Hay Moon, Thunder Moon protect
Under your light these herbs I collect,
Cerridwen, Athene, Holda, Venus,
In dreamwork and divination your spirits guide us.
Witches Datebook by Elizabeth Barrette (2010)
In Cherokee tradition, July is the Ripe Corn Moon. First sweet corn then dent corn ripen for harvest. As a staple food and sacred material, corn attracts much attention through its life cycle. To the Choctaw, this is the Crane Moon, recognizing those large water birds. The Dakota Sioux call this the Moon of Middle Summer. Indeed, for much of America so it is: the three hottest months are June, July, and August.
July brings a swell of new foods: corn and tomatoes are ripening along with many vine fruits such as squash and cucumbers. Visit your local farmer's market to enjoy fresh seasonal produce. Watch birds and other animals raising their young. But be careful. While the Sun has passed its peak at the Solstice, the heat is still increasing. Respect the Sun's power: avoid midday sunlight and excess exposure.
Rituals in July may celebrate staple crops such as corn or supporting crops such as squash-- whatever ripens in your area at this time. Rituals to honor the Sun, heat, light, and so forth are also appropriate. Magically, tap into the power of the Sun to fuel spells for success and prosperity.
Witches Datebook by James Kambos
The Thunder Moon, also known as the Blessing Moon, glows with a fiery splendor in the summer night. It takes on the colors of the seasons, frequently a lustrous blend of red, gold, and orange. During the Thunder Moon, the earth is almost ready to bless us with the harvest; gardens begin to produce heavily. And nature produces awesome spectacles of power- thunder, rain, and lightening.
Ask yourself what you want. Meditate deeply. Think of the richness in nature that surrounds us. Sit beneath the Thunder Moon until you feel its light penetrate and you have a tingling sensation. Raise your power hand and draw energy from the Moon. On your altar or other safe space burn a dark green candle. Cut a small amount of lemon balm and thyme if you can; think of your desire:
Garden grow and the orchard's fruit swell,
On this night of the Thunder Moon I perform this spell.
Beneath your light I've gathered lemon balm and thyme,
Hear my request-- what I want is mine.
Witches Datebook by Elizabeth Barrette (2016)
July marks the Fish Moon. This is when migratory fish such as salmon begin their runs, an event that spans several months as there are many different species and they cover a vast amount of territory. Some tribal people used to depend heavily on fish runs for their survival, and today this still plays a major role for some businesses and tourism. Fish brings an awareness of depth and clarity.
This ritual requires a natural body of water, such as a river or lake, with fish in it. Stand or sit on the shore and gaze into the water. Look for the bottom. Imagine yourself as a fish swimming through the water. Everyone has hidden depths and undiscovered talents.When you go down deep into yourself, what do you find? Are there currents you want to follow? Drop a pebble into the water and watch the ripples spread. Meditate on how the actions arising from within you will affect other people. What you can learn from fish as they seek things in the water? Feel your way through the depths.
When you are done, stamp your feet on the earth to ground yourself on solid land again.
Witches Datebook by JD Hortwort
Lavender is another one of our Gray Ladies in the garden. Add to that the lovely soft shades of purple flowers that appear over the course of summer and you have an ideal landscape flower, especially in a moonlit garden. In small gardens, gray and purple hues make a space feel less confined.
Plenty of varieties of lavender exist, but they all trace their origin to the mountainous area of the Mediterranean. For a summer filled with lavender, start with L. stoechas or Spanish lavender that blooms in May. For June flowers, add English lavender in varieties of Lavandula angustifolia like 'Hidcote' and 'Munstead'. In July, the French lavenders take over with names like Lavandula ✕ intermedia 'du Provence' or Lavandula ✕ 'Grosso'.
This will provide an ongoing supply of lavender herb to use as a fungicide, a soothing fragrance for those sleepless nights, headache relief, or one of the most relaxing baths imaginable. Cleanse your ritual space with an infusion of lavender tea and use it to asperge participants as they step into your circle.
Witches Datebook by Natalie Zaman
Once upon a time where was an elderly couple who longed for a baby. The Lady of the Moon pitied them and sent her daughter, Princess Moon Beam, to them to be their child. The princess grew into a beautiful woman and had many suitors, including the emperor, but she was the Moon Maiden, and so a mortal bride she could not be. On the day she returned to her true mother, she gave the emperor an immortality potion, but rather than live without her, he took it to the highest point in the land-- Mount Fuji-- and burned it, where it still burns to this day. The Moon Maiden shed tears of light for her adopted parents and her beloved; you can see them every summer in the fireflies that dance the night away, looking of love.
Who is your soul mate? Your best friend? Celebrate the special relationships in your life at July's Full Moon. Like the Moon, fireflies light up the night. If you can, stand among them and ask for a blessing:
By the glow of the Moon and the tears of light,
Moon Maiden, bless those who share my life.
Witches Datebook by Blake Octavian Blair
The Month of Holly arrives and the Holly Moon's light reminds us we must shine on through adversity and seek justice. This is not individual justice but greater Justice.
Now we're in the dark half of the year, and we'll be reminded of the holly's persistent green and bright red berries in winter that spring comes again. That through adversity and challenges, there is hope and Justice. Though the road may not be easy and may require retreating and regrouping, we must ultimately persist like the holly.
This perpetual cycle is mirrored in lore of the Oak and Holly Kings. For when the Holly King loses the battle at the Winter Solstice, giving way to the Oak King's reign and the light half of the year, it is not total defeat. The Holy King, like us, must rest and then return to triumph.
Stand beneath the Holly Moon, holding a sprig of holly if available, and meditate in the illuminating light of the Moon on steps you should take to overcome challenges in your own life.
A safe and happy holiday to all who celebrate~!