Hallo-Meme: Keeping it Spoopy!

Oct 19, 2013 20:48

Trick or treat! Trick or treat! Trick-or-treat on Halloween!

NOTE: For this meme, I'm obviously focusing on the secular aspects of Halloween. I consider Hallows/Samhain to be a different entity, although similar, of course.

1. Favorite Halloween movie(s)

I don't have a movie, but I have required Halloween viewing in the form of ancient VHS 1980s Disney Halloween specials. There's about four or so on a creaky VHS tape that needs to make it to DVD. Actually, Disney needs to rerelease all of them, but in the meantime, I still have my creaky VHS (one of the only instances where I will allow tape). It came with me when I moved out, although it really is a family thing.

2. Favorite Halloween song

All my song-memories to do with Halloween are connected to aforementioned Disney specials. Anyone remember D-TV? OF COURSE the D-TV Halloween "Monster Hits" special is on YouTube.

From memory, songs that trigger Halloween to me are "Superstition" (Stevie Wonder), "Thriller" (Michael Jackson), "The Monster Mash" (Buddy "Boris" Pickett), "Somebody's Watching Me" (Rockwell), "Evil Woman" (Electric Light Orchestra), and probably more, but I did say "from memory" (meaning I'm not going to try too hard).

3. Favorite candy

I liked any of the chocolates. They were usually the first to go from my Halloween bag.

4. Favorite fictional horror movie character

Horror in general, as horror movies aren't my Halloween tradition... does Corpse Bride count as a horror movie? I pick Emily. I know Sleepy Hollow counts as horror, but I can't really think of any character that's a particular favorite. Christopher Walken's character always made me laugh, particularly his love of his horse (the first time I saw the movie, my brother noted that when the horse was absent, he was "probably off taking an evil crap.").

5. A personal supernatural experience:

I'm a Witch. I've encountered ghosts both before and after that, um... not sure what else qualifies.

6. Favorite Halloween attraction:

I like the whole trick-or-treating thing, both giving and receiving (...uh), so long as the kids (or whoever, I don't judge if adults want to do it too) are polite. One year we got one little shit on her cell phone. A CELL PHONE. Beat that child, kthnxbai.

7. Favorite Tim Burton movie:

I've mentioned Sleepy Hollow which I enjoyed and I like The Nightmare Before Christmas, and I saw Alice in Wonderland recently and really liked it (minus the very ending, of course). But my favorite is probably Corpse Bride. I watched and rewatched that over and over during my time with Bombay (I'm not sure what the significance of THAT is, other than my need for escapism).

8. Favorite Rocky Horror Picture Show song

I've seen this movie, but I guess... it didn't really do it for me? I feel weird since people have this slavish devotion to it and I wasn't moved by it. My tastes in movies is notoriously "quirky".

9. Ideal Halloween costume

For a few years now, I'd dreamed about being some (elaborate) form of Marie Anoinette (or someone from that era/period), sans the guillotine. It sounds like one of those costumes that would be wonderfully fun and of course an excuse to dress like that.
I've wanted to be "disgruntled Disneyland Snow White" for two years now, especially since I found this gorgeous costume. What's a few hundred dollars for a baller Halloween get-up, right?

10. Your biggest fear:

Confessing vulnerability in a stupid meme.

11. Zombies or vampires?


12. Favorite Nightmare Before Christmas character:

Uh, I dunno. Sally? She seemed one of the only ones that knew Jack's plan was a horrible idea.

13. A Halloween tradition?

Carving pumpkins and watching aforementioned Disney specials.

14. Favorite fall food?

I dunno. I'm not overly big on pumpkin pie. Last year Burger King had these fabulous gingerbread shakes, but I think that was more a "holiday" thing rather than fall. Oh! I do love apple cider!

15. Plans for Halloween this year:

As Halloween is reserved for Hallows, any big secular plans go on a different night. I don't have plans this year, sadly. I'd like to dress up again.

16. Favorite family Halloween movie:

See: Disney Halloween specials I won't STFU about in this post.

17. Your costume this year:

I'm going as a Witch. Every other day of the year also.
I make that stupid joke as I don't have plans this year (once again: boo!).

18. Favorite things you like to do around Halloween time:

Enjoy the fact this level of saturation is stuff in which I'm generally interested, unlike (the Gods help us) Christmas, whose ugly shadow falls across this holiday.

19. Would you spend the night in a haunted house (on Halloween)?

I have plans on actual Halloween every year, and a stay some place different would get in the way. I believe the house I currently live in is haunted, at least some rooms, anyway.

20. Would you rather carve a pumpkin or eat pumpkin pie?

I carve AWESOME pumpkins (I just hate the fuck out of having to scoop the seeds and pulp-- ick!).

pagan with a capital p, passalong, older then we're younger than that now, let's talk about the moving pictures

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