Just Natterin'

May 01, 2013 08:32

The Blue Bird, 1918

Since I devote little these days by way of original/new content (save for the occasional/frequent butthurt cryptic bleeding) yet I complain about how dead LiveJournal is, I wanted to get this down.

It's a lovely Beltane this morning. I'd forgotten how truly gorgeous this area can get this time of year and when I went out to my offerings tree (a big ol' black walnut that used to shade the swingset-- when we had one, that is. Also, did you know Witches in Italy traditionally danced under black walnut trees? How apropos.) and white blossom petals, like nature's confetti (trademark!) were scattered across the yard, but managed to look romantic rather than annoying.

I tied the traditional ribbon around the tree (okay, I tucked it since there were no hanging branches I could reach; the tree despite being hacked down to a stump numerous times, keeps growing back and towering, I like to think because of enchantment) and left my offerings at the base.

I had fresh lilacs (it's lilac season!) on my Beltane altar (have photos but can't post until the new system is adjusted to recognize my camera-- sigh), but they were drooping, so I swapped them out (and left the first to dry to use as herbs) with freshly cut ones. The smell is outrageous. Lilac season is always a special time and I feel shitty when I miss it.

Scattering handfuls of dried herbs to the offerings tree, I couldn't help but feel really... proud to be a Witch. Proud of my path. Proud of our traditions. Empowered.

The immense, powerful beauty of our path (my path) really touched me in a way it hasn't in awhile. This fall will make thirteen years since I converted officially and I guess that can put anyone into the occasional rut if they aren't mindful.

I hope your May is a happy one.

pagan with a capital p, children learn by doing, utter deelite, imjtol, it's hip to be a square

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