Book-It '10! Book #33

May 30, 2010 06:28

The Fifty Books Challenge, year two! This was suggested to me by my father.

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a is for book, book-it 'o10!, the roaring jazz age

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Comments 8

queer_theory May 30 2010, 15:45:41 UTC
I've been meaning to check this book out (and suggest it to you), so I'm glad to have your review of it. It sounds like Midnight In The Garden of Good and Evil-lite.


alivemagdolene May 30 2010, 17:13:53 UTC
It's actually a bit rougher than Midnight (both in sex and in violence)-- it's funny, but when I read that book, I already knew there was a movie and I was mentally casting actors in my mind. ;^)

I still recommend the book, just don't go into it like I did expecting a novel that happens to be true. It will leave you believing that working as a prostitute in the Everleigh house was not only lots of fun but a great career move.


punkishgrin May 31 2010, 04:40:58 UTC
I am so intrigued ^_^ They sound a bit more... reasonable? -- than other brothel owners. It kind of sounds like many others at the time dealt more with the Mafia and kidnappings. I like how they coined their name, too (after looking them up on Wikipedia). And I love Jack Johnson's story.

I'll have to read this. Maybe I'll get some inspiration from it, too...


alivemagdolene May 31 2010, 05:29:45 UTC
It's seriously a fascinating story.

I did think of your Butt Classy fic in several parts (specifically the crueler madams/pimps "disciplining" their "employees"). ^_^


punkishgrin May 31 2010, 06:37:36 UTC
Awesome. I tried to find it at Waldenbooks today (HIRE ME attempt '10 is in motion), but it wasn't there, though I did see Malachy McCourt's history of Ireland book, which is going on my wish list:)

I actually have an idea for the next chapter (finally), and if it goes as I'm thinking, Jon's night is going to start a lot sooner than he thought. The book made me think of the general store fic, too. Maybe Rob is like a bodyguard for some of Jon's employees? Or possibly a moonlighter at times? And Brian probably is too--or maybe he's just a client.


alivemagdolene June 1 2010, 05:45:21 UTC
Fuckin' Waldenbooks-- they NEVER hire the right people! (said someone who may or may not be bitter)

And hey, there's always library requesting! God knows where my life would be without it.

God, I love your stories. I can def see Rob as a bodyguard (who can't?) who maybe once got mistaken for merchandise and could use the money so he went for it (and intermingles the two jobs). I can see BriWi as more of a client-- why I don't know-- maybe because he has the "real news" authority about him?


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